Aries |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Mar 21 - Apr 19 |
Any thought that the stars might
take a break over Christmas week are being dashed in a spectacular way,
with an extreme busy and game changing week on your hands. A week that
begins with Monday's New Moon in your career sector will kick your
professional year back into high gear just as it should be winding down,
while Saturn's departure from your financial sector on Tuesday brings a
very challenging and demanding few years to an end. With this comes a
chance to take your money hat off in time for Christmas and while you
might not be successful when it comes to keeping your professional hat
off, there'll be plenty of distractions. As well as a sense of adventure
in play that is challenging your excuses, social and serendipitous
forces are set to invade Christmas itself. |
Taurus |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Apr 20 - May 20 |
With the Sun always spending
Christmas in an adventurous part of your chart and the planets not
usually returning to your career sector until January, Christmas week is
usually the one week where you will have a chance to take your
professional hat off. However, while a sense of adventure is still in
place and will remain in place right through the holiday period, Mars'
first Christmas in your career sector since 1999 is making it hard to
keep your professional hat off. Things become even harder with the
Moon's return to your career sector on Christmas Eve and alignment with
Mars on Christmas Day, something that last happened in 1965. By then
you'll be feeling the impact of Saturn's departure from your
relationship sector on Tuesday and the pressure it takes off you and
your relationships. |
Gemini |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
May 21 - Jun 21 |
While the Sun and Moon will both
leave your relationship sector on Monday, with Monday's New Moon
narrowly missing falling there, the focus will not only remain on your
relationships but will come even stronger once Saturn returns on
Tuesday. In the meantime, what you will have a chance to do this year is
take your work hat off over Christmas, with Saturn's departure on
Christmas Eve bringing things right to the wire without crossing it.
With things not due to take off on the career front until early next
month, this is a chance to step back. It's Mars who wants to take things
one step further, not only asking that you embrace a sense of adventure
but that you actively challenge your excuses. If life has been all work
and no play then it's time to make up for lost time. |
Cancer |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Jun 22 - Jul 22 |
With the Sun and Moon not only both
returning to your relationship sector on Monday but creating a New Moon,
this is going to put a lot of focus on your relationships this week,
even more so than is normally the case at this time of year. With this
comes a sense of urgency, for with no New Moons here in 2015 and Venus
and Mercury, the planets of love and communication, both leaving your
relationship sector in early January, the time to commit to your
relationships and the journey ahead is now. In the meantime, while the
Sun and Mercury's departure from your work sector on Monday should bring
a chance to take your work hat off for the year, Saturn returning on
Christmas Eve and Uranus turning direct in your career sector on Monday
that's unlikely to be the case. |
Leo |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Jul 23 - Aug 22 |
While there is no escaping the fact
that with the Sun always spending Christmas in your work sector keeping
your work hat off is going to be a problem there is some stiff
competition. It is Saturn, hard task master of the cosmos' return to
your romantic and creative sector on Christmas Eve that will see the Fun
Police not only show up in the nick of time but here for the next 3
years this is the start of a major new campaign. Where you may have paid
lip service to a balance between work and play over recent months this
moves to a whole new level, with playful forces gaining their most
powerful advocate in decades. In the meantime, with Mars spending his
first Christmas in your relationship sector since 1999 things could get a
little emotionally charged, especially over Christmas itself. |
Virgo |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
The lines between 2014 and 2015 have
not only become blurred they come together this week that makes this a
fairly complicated week, especially when it comes to finding a balance
between work and play. The stars usually perform in an orderly fashion
with the Sun and often Venus and Mercury spending Christmas in a fun,
playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, before
returning to help you put your work hat on in January. That's still the
case, however Mars is a planet that operates by his own rules and
spending his first Christmas in your work sector since 1999 and with the
Moon even joining him on Christmas Day, then expect a juggling act.
Whether at work, jobs around the home or just life's demands, expect to
be busy. At the same time the Fun Police are on patrol. |
Libra |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Sep 23 - Oct 23 |
While the solar spotlight will
always fall on home and family matters over Christmas, the shift when it
comes is likely to be both expected and dramatic. With Mars having
recently moved through your home and family sector and Venus and Mercury
already here, there is already a lot of focus on home and family
matters, but it's the Sun and Moon's return on Monday and the New Moon
this creates that could catch you off guard. For 2 months now your
attention has been drawn to home and family matters, whereas all of a
sudden it's time to walk the talk. This year home and family matters
have stiff competition, with Mars spending his first Christmas in a fun,
playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart since 1999,
with his passions reaching fever pitch on Christmas Day. |
Scorpio |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Oct 24 - Nov 21 |
In a week that is peppered with big
developments, such as Monday's New Moon in your communication sector,
Uranus' direct turn in your work sector on the same day and the fact
that, Jupiter spending his first Christmas in your career sector in 12
years and Mars his first Christmas in your home and family sector since
1999 will keep your professional hat on and the focus on home and family
matters, one event overshadows everything else. That event is Saturn's
departure from your sign on Tuesday and return to your income sector,
where he'll fall into the welcome embrace of some of the best
professional conditions in a decade. As important as that is, Saturn's
departure from your sign ended what is likely to have been a challenging
few years for both you and your relationships. |
Sagittarius |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
While your birthday month ends when
the Sun and Moon leave your sign on Monday it's unlikely to feel that
anything is finished and if anything, by Tuesday you could be wondering
'is this it'? There is no doubt that you'll move into wrap up mode on
Tuesday but don't be surprised if you're still not sure about what you
want from the future and what you're committing to, despite the fact
that over recent months the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus have all moved
through your sign. That's because as they moved through they purposely
left the door open to an event that will change everything. That event
is Saturn's return to your sign on Wednesday, bringing you to the start
of a major new chapter of learning and growth. Saturn will make it clear
that what you need to commit to is you. |
Capricorn |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Dec 22 - Jan 19 |
Your birthday month and new solar
year begins fairly dramatically when the Sun and Moon not only return to
your sign within 2 hours of each other on Monday, but align to form the
last New Moon of 2014 and the last in your sign until 2016. While Mars
recently moved through and with Venus and Mercury on board you've
already had a chance to put heart and mind in the game, establish what
excites and motivates you and get ideas on the table, what is likely to
take you by surprise is suddenly having to commit to a future you might
still be unsure of. Usually you have the early months of each year to
finalise your objectives for the coming year, but with Venus leaving on
the 4th January and Mercury on the 5th January the time to commit to the
future is now, choosing to be true to yourself. |
Aquarius |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
It's not so much that the lines
between 2014 and 2015 have become blurred and more that they don't
exist, with 2015 underway in all but name but 2014 still playing out.
It's a sense that you've got one foot in the past and another in the
future that will define this week and give you a better read on where
you've been and where you're going. The past is still unfolding because
on Monday the Sun's return to a reflective part of your chart will kick
off the month long wind down of your current solar year and with your
birthday month and new solar year not beginning until next month, the
focus is on the past and where you've been. However, with Mars spending
Christmas in your sign you're already aware of what excites you, your
passions and fighting spirit, ready and impatient to move on. |
Pisces |
Monday 22 December 2014 |
Feb 19 - Mar 20 |
Normally this is a week where you're
taking your professional hat off for the year and with the Sun and Moon
both leaving your career sector on Monday and Mars, Mercury and Venus
having already left it might appear that that's the case. However, this
was only ever an illusion, for with lucky Jupiter spending his first
Christmas in your work sector in 12 years, one professional year was
always going to flow into the next. However, Saturn's return to your
career sector on Christmas Eve will squash any thoughts that you might
get away with it. Yet alone with Uranus, who turns direct in your income
sector on Monday, Saturn and Jupiter and the enormous potential they
create for income, work and career opportunities in 2015 are in no
hurry, making it okay to simply mull over your options. |