Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28 2014 Weekly Sun Scope Horoscopes

General for Week Commencing: Monday 29 December 2014

   Aries Monday 29 December 2014  Mar 21 - Apr 19
In a week that begins in 2014 and ends in 2015 the players are already assembled to take you into the New Year, with the exception of one final interloper, who returns at the right place, at the right time. With Saturn spending his first full week in an adventurous part of your chart and moving into the New Year with lucky Jupiter in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, for the first time in 12 years brings the promise of plenty of fun and adventurous time in 2015. Yet with the Sun always spending the final days and early weeks of each year in your career sector, this will also mean keeping your professional hat on, with finding the right balance essential. Thanks to the Moon you'll end one professional year and start the next with a nose for money.
   Taurus Monday 29 December 2014  Apr 20 - May 20
While you'll leave one year and into the next with the same powerful conditions in play, there's also likely to be some reminders from the get go of how important having the right work/life balance is. The week that begins in 2014 and ends in 2015 also happens to be Saturn's first full week in your financial sector in 27 years, calling on you to make the kind of financial resolutions that see you take your power back. While this means you won't get away with sweeping financial matters under the carpet, even the hard task master of the cosmos knows that you can only do what you can, with what you've got from where you're at. While moving into the New Year with Mars in your career sector gives your professional year a head start there are clear work/life balance demands from the get go.
   Gemini Monday 29 December 2014  May 21 - Jun 21
A snap shot of the conditions in play this week are basically a snap shot of what you can expect in 2015, with all the major players that will shape the coming year already in place, albeit just. The planet that will put a major mark on 2015 is Saturn, but spending just his first full week in your relationship sector in 27 years, this is something you're still adjusting to. While this is going to raise the bar on your relationships, from the get go there's support from communication forces and those supporting friendship and relationship building. While you'll always go through your annual financial review at this time of year, chances are you've already got a jump on this. In the meantime, your sixth sense and intuition will be especially sharp as 2014 makes way for 2015.
   Cancer Monday 29 December 2014  Jun 22 - Jul 22
While you may be feeling some pressure midweek and especially as you move into the New Year, when financial tension is most likely to come to a head, this is something that is more likely to motivate you. While you've moved into the New Year with Mars in your financial sector before and lucky Jupiter in your income sector, it's been almost 200 years since they've both been there at the same time. They're not only both demanding your attention as 2014 makes way for 2015, they'll move into opposition on the New Year's Day. Yet with Saturn spending his first full week in your work sector in 27 years and support from career forces, it won't take much to turn this into motivation as you move into what is destined to be an extremely good and lucrative year for income, work and career matters.
   Leo Monday 29 December 2014  Jul 23 - Aug 22
Despite the fact that with the Sun always spending the final days and early weeks in your work sector means taking your work hat off over the New Year is never really an option and even more so when, for the first time since 1996 you'll also move into the New Year with the Moon in your career sector, expect the Fun Police to be on patrol. You're in the perfect position for your 2014 professional year to transition seamlessly into your 2015 professional year, with your professional instincts sharp and an accurate read on both work and career matters from the get go. Get on the right track from the start and you're more likely to stay on track. However, playful and adventurous forces are guarding against letting life become all work and no play. With a bit of juggling you can have it all.
   Virgo Monday 29 December 2014  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While you may find that you're focused on money matters in the early days of the week, there is just enough focus to give you an intuitive edge, sharpen your financial instincts and have some Eureka moments. If this does create any financial tension then you're likely to be over thinking things. The pull from playful, home and family focused forces is just too strong for money matters to dominate and even the fact that you'll move into the New Year with Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos in your work sector will make it hard to keep your work hat on. Standing sentinel over things as 2014 makes way for 2015 is Jupiter, who is defending a need to take time out to relax and hear yourself think. With your new professional year not kicking off until next Monday, don't be in too much of a hurry.
   Libra Monday 29 December 2014  Sep 23 - Oct 23
The Moon's last visit to your relationship sector for the year and in the early days of the week comes with perfect timing, ensuring the communication lines are open as Saturn spends his first full week in your communication sector in 27 years. It was only last Monday that Uranus turned direct in your relationship sector, shifting the focus from the past and onto the future, with what at times has been a challenging year behind you. It's the Moon's emotional responses that will give this powerful new communication era something to focus on. With Mars not returning to your work sector until the 12th January, which is when your new professional year will take off as far as the professional gods are concerned, you can and need to take advantage of the playful forces in play this week.
   Scorpio Monday 29 December 2014  Oct 24 - Nov 21
From first impressions there'll be little time to take your professional hat off this week, which at the end of the day as you prepare to move into your biggest year for income, work and career matters on record was always going to be a reality, however the clouds do part over the New Year itself, offering a brief reprieve and it's a reprieve that relationship matters are going to seize. With so much focus in home, money and professional matters, matters of the heart getting their turn early in the New Year it's your relationships that miss out. The only real support your relationships have had is come from communication forces. Yet an 11th Hour effort sees the Moon return to your relationship sector in time to be here as you move into the New Year, for the first time since 1996.
   Sagittarius Monday 29 December 2014  Nov 22 - Dec 21
For you 2015 began last week when Saturn returned to your sign for the first time in 27 years, with his first full week here all about adjusting to both the power and the accountability this now requires. Your own needs, your personal truth and the pursuit of what you believe is possible is no longer at the bottom of your priorities list and having returned just 2 days after your birthday month ended there was no way that your resolutions and intentions for this new solar year were going to go the way of previous intentions. Saturn has made this the starting point of a powerful new, 3 year journey towards personal empowerment, but in these early days it really is a case of one step at a time. Make your New Year focus less on what you should do and more on whether it empowers you or not.
   Capricorn Monday 29 December 2014  Dec 22 - Jan 19
With your birthday month under way you're not just preparing to move into a new calendar year but a new solar year has already begun. With no New Moons in your sign during 2016 but last weeks' New Moon having already given you the tailwind you need, the time to make a commitment to the future is now. Yet as you'll move into the New Year with Venus in your sign and thanks to an 11th Hour move the Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, it's your heart that needs to have a big say in where to from here. At the same time you can expect some financial intensity and possibly some financial tension, especially on and around New Year. This is puts forces on the financial and income fronts, opportune in their own right in conflict fighting for the right balance.
   Aquarius Monday 29 December 2014  Jan 20 - Feb 18
It was only last week that the last of a powerful triad of planets which are destined to define 2015 arrived, with this the week that the forces set to dominate not just the coming year come together. The last to arrive was Saturn's return to your friendship sector last week, where he's returning to find Jupiter in your relationship sector and Uranus in your communication sector. It's this triad of forces that is set to make 2015 such a powerful year for friendship and relationship building and communication so important. With the Moon moving through your communication sector in the early days of the week there'll be a chance to get things moving. The only spanner in the works this week is actually an advantage, with a chance to address any work/life balance before they can take hold.
   Pisces Monday 29 December 2014  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While there's a need to have your money hat on in the early days of the week, the Moon's last visit to your income sector for the year not only gives you a nose for money but an intuitive read on the big developments unfolding behind the scenes on the income, work and career fronts. As you'll move into the New Year with Saturn in your career sector for the first time in 27 years and for the first time in 12 years lucky Jupiter in your work sector, a nose for money will prove handy, but there's also a need to avoid jumping into your new professional year too quickly. Of the forces that are set to make 2015 such a big year for income, work and career maters none are in a hurry. Instead this is a week for making your social life and catching up with friends a priority.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

December 21 2014 Weekly Sun Scope Horoscope

General for Week Commencing: Monday 22 December 2014

   Aries Monday 22 December 2014  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Any thought that the stars might take a break over Christmas week are being dashed in a spectacular way, with an extreme busy and game changing week on your hands. A week that begins with Monday's New Moon in your career sector will kick your professional year back into high gear just as it should be winding down, while Saturn's departure from your financial sector on Tuesday brings a very challenging and demanding few years to an end. With this comes a chance to take your money hat off in time for Christmas and while you might not be successful when it comes to keeping your professional hat off, there'll be plenty of distractions. As well as a sense of adventure in play that is challenging your excuses, social and serendipitous forces are set to invade Christmas itself.
   Taurus Monday 22 December 2014  Apr 20 - May 20
With the Sun always spending Christmas in an adventurous part of your chart and the planets not usually returning to your career sector until January, Christmas week is usually the one week where you will have a chance to take your professional hat off. However, while a sense of adventure is still in place and will remain in place right through the holiday period, Mars' first Christmas in your career sector since 1999 is making it hard to keep your professional hat off. Things become even harder with the Moon's return to your career sector on Christmas Eve and alignment with Mars on Christmas Day, something that last happened in 1965. By then you'll be feeling the impact of Saturn's departure from your relationship sector on Tuesday and the pressure it takes off you and your relationships.
   Gemini Monday 22 December 2014  May 21 - Jun 21
While the Sun and Moon will both leave your relationship sector on Monday, with Monday's New Moon narrowly missing falling there, the focus will not only remain on your relationships but will come even stronger once Saturn returns on Tuesday. In the meantime, what you will have a chance to do this year is take your work hat off over Christmas, with Saturn's departure on Christmas Eve bringing things right to the wire without crossing it. With things not due to take off on the career front until early next month, this is a chance to step back. It's Mars who wants to take things one step further, not only asking that you embrace a sense of adventure but that you actively challenge your excuses. If life has been all work and no play then it's time to make up for lost time.
   Cancer Monday 22 December 2014  Jun 22 - Jul 22
With the Sun and Moon not only both returning to your relationship sector on Monday but creating a New Moon, this is going to put a lot of focus on your relationships this week, even more so than is normally the case at this time of year. With this comes a sense of urgency, for with no New Moons here in 2015 and Venus and Mercury, the planets of love and communication, both leaving your relationship sector in early January, the time to commit to your relationships and the journey ahead is now. In the meantime, while the Sun and Mercury's departure from your work sector on Monday should bring a chance to take your work hat off for the year, Saturn returning on Christmas Eve and Uranus turning direct in your career sector on Monday that's unlikely to be the case.
   Leo Monday 22 December 2014  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While there is no escaping the fact that with the Sun always spending Christmas in your work sector keeping your work hat off is going to be a problem there is some stiff competition. It is Saturn, hard task master of the cosmos' return to your romantic and creative sector on Christmas Eve that will see the Fun Police not only show up in the nick of time but here for the next 3 years this is the start of a major new campaign. Where you may have paid lip service to a balance between work and play over recent months this moves to a whole new level, with playful forces gaining their most powerful advocate in decades. In the meantime, with Mars spending his first Christmas in your relationship sector since 1999 things could get a little emotionally charged, especially over Christmas itself.
   Virgo Monday 22 December 2014  Aug 23 - Sep 22
The lines between 2014 and 2015 have not only become blurred they come together this week that makes this a fairly complicated week, especially when it comes to finding a balance between work and play. The stars usually perform in an orderly fashion with the Sun and often Venus and Mercury spending Christmas in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, before returning to help you put your work hat on in January. That's still the case, however Mars is a planet that operates by his own rules and spending his first Christmas in your work sector since 1999 and with the Moon even joining him on Christmas Day, then expect a juggling act. Whether at work, jobs around the home or just life's demands, expect to be busy. At the same time the Fun Police are on patrol.
   Libra Monday 22 December 2014  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While the solar spotlight will always fall on home and family matters over Christmas, the shift when it comes is likely to be both expected and dramatic. With Mars having recently moved through your home and family sector and Venus and Mercury already here, there is already a lot of focus on home and family matters, but it's the Sun and Moon's return on Monday and the New Moon this creates that could catch you off guard. For 2 months now your attention has been drawn to home and family matters, whereas all of a sudden it's time to walk the talk. This year home and family matters have stiff competition, with Mars spending his first Christmas in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart since 1999, with his passions reaching fever pitch on Christmas Day.
   Scorpio Monday 22 December 2014  Oct 24 - Nov 21
In a week that is peppered with big developments, such as Monday's New Moon in your communication sector, Uranus' direct turn in your work sector on the same day and the fact that, Jupiter spending his first Christmas in your career sector in 12 years and Mars his first Christmas in your home and family sector since 1999 will keep your professional hat on and the focus on home and family matters, one event overshadows everything else. That event is Saturn's departure from your sign on Tuesday and return to your income sector, where he'll fall into the welcome embrace of some of the best professional conditions in a decade. As important as that is, Saturn's departure from your sign ended what is likely to have been a challenging few years for both you and your relationships.
   Sagittarius Monday 22 December 2014  Nov 22 - Dec 21
While your birthday month ends when the Sun and Moon leave your sign on Monday it's unlikely to feel that anything is finished and if anything, by Tuesday you could be wondering 'is this it'? There is no doubt that you'll move into wrap up mode on Tuesday but don't be surprised if you're still not sure about what you want from the future and what you're committing to, despite the fact that over recent months the Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus have all moved through your sign. That's because as they moved through they purposely left the door open to an event that will change everything. That event is Saturn's return to your sign on Wednesday, bringing you to the start of a major new chapter of learning and growth. Saturn will make it clear that what you need to commit to is you.
   Capricorn Monday 22 December 2014  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Your birthday month and new solar year begins fairly dramatically when the Sun and Moon not only return to your sign within 2 hours of each other on Monday, but align to form the last New Moon of 2014 and the last in your sign until 2016. While Mars recently moved through and with Venus and Mercury on board you've already had a chance to put heart and mind in the game, establish what excites and motivates you and get ideas on the table, what is likely to take you by surprise is suddenly having to commit to a future you might still be unsure of. Usually you have the early months of each year to finalise your objectives for the coming year, but with Venus leaving on the 4th January and Mercury on the 5th January the time to commit to the future is now, choosing to be true to yourself.
   Aquarius Monday 22 December 2014  Jan 20 - Feb 18
It's not so much that the lines between 2014 and 2015 have become blurred and more that they don't exist, with 2015 underway in all but name but 2014 still playing out. It's a sense that you've got one foot in the past and another in the future that will define this week and give you a better read on where you've been and where you're going. The past is still unfolding because on Monday the Sun's return to a reflective part of your chart will kick off the month long wind down of your current solar year and with your birthday month and new solar year not beginning until next month, the focus is on the past and where you've been. However, with Mars spending Christmas in your sign you're already aware of what excites you, your passions and fighting spirit, ready and impatient to move on.
   Pisces Monday 22 December 2014  Feb 19 - Mar 20
Normally this is a week where you're taking your professional hat off for the year and with the Sun and Moon both leaving your career sector on Monday and Mars, Mercury and Venus having already left it might appear that that's the case. However, this was only ever an illusion, for with lucky Jupiter spending his first Christmas in your work sector in 12 years, one professional year was always going to flow into the next. However, Saturn's return to your career sector on Christmas Eve will squash any thoughts that you might get away with it. Yet alone with Uranus, who turns direct in your income sector on Monday, Saturn and Jupiter and the enormous potential they create for income, work and career opportunities in 2015 are in no hurry, making it okay to simply mull over your options.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Weekly Sun Scopes Horoscopes Week of December 14 2014

General for Week Commencing: Monday 15 December 2014

   Aries Monday 15 December 2014  Mar 21 - Apr 19
This is a big week on a number of fronts and not just because, as the last week before Christmas week things suddenly feel a lot more urgent. In essence this is the week where 2014 is starting to make way for 2105 or at least is preparing to, with the real handover taking place next week. For now, with Saturn in his final week in your financial sector it's about being as responsible and pragmatic amount money matters as possible, while also looking ahead to the adventures that await you in 2015, which you've already got a clear view of. At the same time with lucky Jupiter in his first full week in retrograde motion in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart and Uranus in his last full week in retrograde motion in your sign, the past has a strong hold on you.
   Taurus Monday 15 December 2014  Apr 20 - May 20
Despite the fact that with Mars not only in his second week in your career sector but due to stay here over Christmas, for the first time since 1999 and the Moon will make one last visit to your work sector in the early days of the week, keeping your professional hat on 24/7 won't be an option. With Venus spending her first full week in an adventurous part of your chart and more support rolling in during the week, the holiday spirit is already starting to take hold. In the meantime, Saturn's last full week in your relationship sector makes it important to show up in your relationships, refusing to sweep things under the carpet. While this time of year can put pressure on your relationships, Saturn's determined that you don't stick your head in the sand. Money matters can wait.
   Gemini Monday 15 December 2014  May 21 - Jun 21
In a week where relationship and money matters are likely to be grabbing your attention, the spirit of adventure has already kicked in ahead of the holiday period. With things ticking over on the work front but not really getting busy until the 12th January, the professional gods are happy for you to take whatever speed and approach works for you and are even happy if you leave things until the New Year. In the meantime, Jupiter's first full week in retrograde motion in your communication sector is a big boon for relationship forces, especially with Mercury, planet of communication leaving your relationship sector on Wednesday but relationship matters remaining important. It's not only important to ensure the communication lines are open, but to give the past and unsaid words a voice.
   Cancer Monday 15 December 2014  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Despite the fact that the Sun is spending his last full week in your work sector and with Venus gone and Mercury leaving on Wednesday things should urgent, they're unlikely to be. Out of habit there might be a rush mentality, but with Uranus in his last full week in retrograde motion in your career sector and Saturn returning to your work sector next week, the professional gods are asking instead that you pace yourself, with that last minute rush now here because everything will continue over into the New Year and beyond. This gives you time to make the most of the developments on the relationship front and on Saturn's last full week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, where he's acting as the Fun Police, ensuring life doesn't become all work and no play.
   Leo Monday 15 December 2014  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While finding a balance between work and play has been an issue for some time, you reach a week where the battle lines are really being drawn. With Venus spending her first full week in your work sector and Mercury returning on Wednesday, you've already entered the busiest point of the year, a week before the Sun is due to return next week. Yet it's not just the Sun's last full week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart that is resisting an urge to keep your work hat on 24/7 and a sense that there is a fundamental shift taking place. At the same time your relationships are demanding a lot more attention, which could be putting the microscope on your own needs, revealing any balance issues. This makes it important to ensure the communication lines are open.
   Virgo Monday 15 December 2014  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While Mars' return to your work sector earlier in the month means that the warrior planet of the cosmos will be spending his first Christmas here since 1999, making it impossible to take your work hat off over the holiday period, there are already moves afoot to ensure this is kept in its place in a way that doesn't minimise the advantage this brings. It's the Moon's return to your income sector in the early days of the week that will bring the nose for money needed to work smarter, while Venus' first full week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart will make it easier to find a balance between work and play. While it might seem at times that you're balancing too many hats, that is a small price to pay for having so many options.
   Libra Monday 15 December 2014  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While the Sun will always return to your home and family sector just before Christmas each year and while that won't happen until early next week, already home is likely to be where your heart is, with Venus not only spending her first full week here but back to where she started the year. You moved into 2014 halfway through Venus' longest visit to your home and family sector in over 200 years and now that she's come full circle there's a chance to appreciate all that has transpired and how the desires you moved into the New Year with have transpired. With Mars firing up your romantic and creative passions you'll find it even harder to keep your work hat on, so it's just as well that the professional gods are happy to wait until the New Year. This week it's all about work/life balance.
   Scorpio Monday 15 December 2014  Oct 24 - Nov 21
With Jupiter spending his first full week in retrograde motion in your career sector and Uranus in his last full week in retrograde motion in your career sector, the only two planets influencing things on the professional front are basically stalled. This could prove frustrating if you have it in your head that you want to get everything done and dusted before Christmas, which is why you need to get that notion out of your head. The professional gods aren't going anywhere and with major income developments on the horizon this is giving you a chance to consider your options. Lazy lunar vibes in play during the early days of the week will make it even harder to push yourself, which is yet another sign that you're not supposed to. This week is all about working with the natural currents.
   Sagittarius Monday 15 December 2014  Nov 22 - Dec 21
While the focus will always be on income matters at this time of year and even more so with your expectations high and a smart head for money kicking in during the week and with the Moon in your career sector as you move into the New Year you'll have your professional hat on as well, this isn't what will define this week. Instead there is not only a sense of adventure and fun in the air this week but a nostalgic thread connecting the two, that makes this week more about waking up to what you've been missing out on. With Jupiter spending his first full week in retrograde motion in an adventurous part of your chart and Uranus his last in a playful part of your chart, they're working together as they hold the doors open to second chances on both fronts and especially where they come together.
   Capricorn Monday 15 December 2014  Dec 22 - Jan 19
While your birthday month won't begin until the Sun returns to your sign on Tuesday, it has already begun in all but name. With Mars having recently moved through you've already got a sense of what excites you, your passions and fighting spirit and as Venus spends her first full week in your sign your heart is getting its say before your birthday month and new solar year even begins. It's Mercury's return on Wednesday that will give you a chance to get your head in the game, communication lines open and ideas on the table. If all this brings a sense that the gods are giving this new solar year a hurry up they are, determined to ensure that when your birthday month begins next week you're ready to hit the ground running, knowing what you want and how to walk the talk.
   Aquarius Monday 15 December 2014  Jan 20 - Feb 18
If you're wondering what 2015 looks like then you're looking at it, for already it's the things that are exciting you, your passions and fighting spirit that hold clues to what the future brings. While Mars, planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos will often move into the New Year with you or arrive in the early weeks of the year, the last time he was here in time to spend Christmas in your sign was in 1999. The month long wind down of this current solar year won't even begin until next week, but you've already got a 2 month jump on things. Yet while you're looking to the future for your own needs on both the relationship and communication fronts, there's a rare opportunity to not only bring the two together, but in a way that holds the doors open to second chances.
   Pisces Monday 15 December 2014  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While it's not unusual to have your professional hat on at this time of year and in fact it's impossible not to with the Sun in his last full week in your career sector, what is unusual is the amount of focus and the complexity. While the Sun is looking to the future there's no sign there's no call to tie up loose ends or to bring this professional year home and instead you're being asked to keep your mind and your options open. At the same time lucky Jupiter is not only preparing for his first Christmas in your work sector in 12 years, but is spending his first full week in retrograde motion, more focused on the road behind. With Uranus in his last full week in retrograde motion in your income sector this is a real advantage, holding the doors open to second chances on both fronts.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Weekly Sun Scopes Horoscope for Week of December 7 2014

General for Week Commencing: Monday 08 December 2014

   Aries Monday 08 December 2014  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Venus, planet of beauty is on the move this week and she's likely to create a real contrast to where your fashion focus is in the early days and where it shifts to. Until she leaves an adventurous part of your chart on Thursday Venus is more focused on moving you out of a fashion rut, with the focus then shifting to updating your professional instincts and image.
   Taurus Monday 08 December 2014  Apr 20 - May 20
With Venus, planet of beauty starting the week in a passionate part of your chart but ending the week in an adventurous part, simply going through the motions or settling for the same old same old won't be an option. Whether it's a desire for change or a more adventurous approach to moving out of a fashion rut, the effects will be the same, with sitting on the fence not an option.
   Gemini Monday 08 December 2014  May 21 - Jun 21
While you may begin the week wanting to fit in, either to someone else's expectations or following the dictates of the fashion gurus or this season's trends, by the time Venus, planet of beauty moves into a passionate part of your chart on Thursday you'll be ready to buck the trends. It's the weekend's Full Moon in your sign that has also contributed to a growing need to do it your way.
   Cancer Monday 08 December 2014  Jun 22 - Jul 22
With life only getting busier in the closing week of the year take a smart approach to fashion choices. If you buy or have something you like then double up, having a back up in the wardrobe when you don't have time to throw anything in the washing machine. At the same time avoid fashion emergencies that have no basis in reality, especially when they're based on other's perceived expectations. Chances are they're just as busy and frazzled as you are.
   Leo Monday 08 December 2014  Jul 23 - Aug 22
There is a real sense of rebellion in the air this week, that is being led by Venus in her final days in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, but will continue even after the planet of beauty moves on. It's on the fashion front and in life in general that a battle to find a balance between work and play has begun.
   Virgo Monday 08 December 2014  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While you'll begin the week seeing fashion as just another chore and another pressure to add to an already busy life by the time Venus, planet of beauty returns to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart and especially over the weekend, you'll be ready to have some fun. With your professional year also exploding back into life, having the right professional image and wardrobe has just become a lot more important.
   Libra Monday 08 December 2014  Sep 23 - Oct 23
From the get go choose to take a smart approach to both shopping and managing your wardrobe, especially as this is something you're likely to be doing naturally and possibly taking for granted, but will become a lot harder by the end of the week. Whether it's smart shopping or being organised, this week is all about nipping fashion emergencies in the bud, before they have a chance to creep up on you.
   Scorpio Monday 08 December 2014  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Until she leaves an indulgent part of your chart on Tuesday Venus, planet of beauty is working to boost your confidence and even after she leaves there are forces in play that will continue to make confidence a major part in your fashion choices and decisions. Forget what the mirror or the price tag says, if it makes you feel confident then that's the way to go.
   Sagittarius Monday 08 December 2014  Nov 22 - Dec 21
In her final days in your sign Venus, planet of beauty is focused on cementing your desires and expectations across the board, but while she's still giving you an innate sense of style and of what suits you. While Venus will leave on Thursday, she'll leave you with more than enough nous to continue what she started, while she in turn shifts her focus to confidence building.
   Capricorn Monday 08 December 2014  Dec 22 - Jan 19
There is a line drawn down the middle of the week that makes this a week of two halves, especially where your approach to fashion is concerned. Until she leaves a nostalgic part of your chart on Thursday Venus, planet of beauty is leading you on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, whereas her return to your sign will bring a desire for a new look.
   Aquarius Monday 08 December 2014  Jan 20 - Feb 18
While in her last few days in a social part of your chart Venus may be triggering some fashion emergencies and a busy social calendar is likely to continue, at least until the end of the year if not beyond, you'll be less inclined to see this as a problem as the week progresses. Venus, planet of beauty's return to a more relaxed and nostalgic part of your chart on Thursday will give you a more creative approach to recycling what you've already got in your wardrobe.
   Pisces Monday 08 December 2014  Feb 19 - Mar 20
In her final weeks in your career sector and especially with your professional star on the rise Venus, planet of beauty is working to boost your professional confidence, attract opportunities and attention your way, but also to help you update your professional image. It's from Thursday and over the weekend that your fashion focus is more likely to shift to your social life.