Sunday, June 28, 2015

June 28 2015 Weekly Horoscope Live by the Sun Astrology Sun Scopes

General for Week Commencing: Monday 29 June 2015

   Aries Monday 29 June 2015  Mar 21 - Apr 19
An important week on so many fronts requires smart time management from the get go, especially as you're likely to be juggling many balls at the same time. A prime example of this is the Moon's return to your career sector on Wednesday and the Full Moon this will create on Thursday, which in the line up for some game changing developments on the work front in just a few weeks time brings a need to keep your professional hat on, especially in the middle days of the week. Yet the middle days of the week are also when Venus and Jupiter align in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, making these some of the most important days of not just the week but the year for matters of the heart. The right work/life balance and balance between work and play is essential.
   Taurus Monday 29 June 2015  Apr 20 - May 20
You've reached a week that has a bit of everything, with a Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart on Thursday bringing a chance to challenge your excuses and move out of your comfort zone, at the same time that you've also reached an important week for income, financial and relationship matters. Communication is the glue that holds everything together and allows you to effortlessly shift from wearing one hat to the other, multitasking like a pro. However, this does require some smart time management and a willingness to negotiate. The early days of the week are the most important of the week for ensuring the communication lines are open on the relationship front, with an extra nudge from strong emotional responses to get things moving.
   Gemini Monday 29 June 2015  May 21 - Jun 21
While your birthday month came to an end last Monday and with Mars having left last Thursday you're well on the way to embracing the future and the journey ahead, with Mercury staying on in order to tie up loose ends you're not quite ready to fully commit to the journey ahead. While your birthday month is over in name it's not over in spirit, with Mercury giving you a chance to spend time at the drawing board, considering the choices, decisions and plans that will keep the coming year on track. In the meantime, you've reached an important week for income, work and career matters, with a partnership of forces now locked into place. While Thursday's Full Moon in your financial sector might create some financial tension, it won't take much to turn this into motivation.
   Cancer Monday 29 June 2015  Jun 22 - Jul 22
There is a lot being crammed into this one week that there'll be a need for some smart time management, especially if you want to make the most of all the advantages this brings. The week begins with a partnership between income and career forces in play, with the Moon's return to your work sector on Monday and position there as an auspicious alignment between income forces peaks, without a doubt you've reached a game changing week for income, work and career matters. However, you won't get away with keeping your money and professional hats on 24/7, with playful forces demanding a balance between work and play, with Mars' first full week in your sign in 2 years making it important to throw yourself into the things that excite you. This new solar year is starting to look interesting.
   Leo Monday 29 June 2015  Jul 23 - Aug 22
At the same time that you are only just a week into the month long wind down of your old solar year and at a time of year when your focus should be on the rear view mirror, an alignment between Venus and Jupiter in your sign midweek sees the future come forward to greet you. At the same time that you're coming to the end of one solar year you're also about to move into the final month of lucky Jupiter's year long visit to your sign and aligned with Venus, it's your heart that is having the biggest say in where to from here. In the meantime, a Full Moon in your work sector on Thursday is going to give work matters the push they need, just weeks before new doors are due to open on the income front. With this is a need to remember the work/life balance lessons of the past.
   Virgo Monday 29 June 2015  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While the professional gods will be doing their best to keep your professional hat on 24/7, with Mercury's last full week in your career sector all about tying up loose ends after the Sun and Mars' departure last week and while it is important to keep your head in the game, they've got some serious competition. To begin with there may be some reminders of the work/life balance lessons of the past, especially in the early days of the week, but the stars will change tack midweek, going for the carrot rather than the stick. If a Full Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on Thursday isn't enough to bring home the importance of finding a balance between work and play nothing will. Also important is time to hear yourself think.
   Libra Monday 29 June 2015  Sep 23 - Oct 23
As the Sun and Mars spend their first full week in your career sector you've come to the most professionally focused month of the year to date and the start of a real push, but a point where income, work and career forces are now locked into place. There are moves afoot to ensure that you don't jump in too deep too soon, with Thursday's Full Moon and the work/life balance tensions that this could fuel a reminder of a need to work smarter, realising you're in this for the long haul and that it's all about pacing yourself. This comes just as you reach an important an auspicious week for personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building, with the Moon's move through your communication sector in the early days of the week allowing you to get the best out of this.
   Scorpio Monday 29 June 2015  Oct 24 - Nov 21
This is an important week for so many reasons that smart time management is essential, with events taking place this week that on their own should demand your full attention, but instead have to compete with equally important forces. With Venus and Jupiter aligned in your career sector midweek and a partnership with work forces in the early days of the week providing the perfect lead up, with the Moon's position in your income sector giving you a nose for money, this is and should be a week for keeping your professional hat on. Yet with the Sun and Mars not only spending their first full week in an adventurous part of your chart and playful forces their first full week in retrograde motion, they've joined forces to make it impossible to let life become all work and no play.
   Sagittarius Monday 29 June 2015  Nov 22 - Dec 21
The key to making the most of any week is to focus on the most important factors, realising there is only so much of you to go around. However, this is where you're likely to be stumped, for how you can judge whether an alliance between playful and adventurous forces should come first, the developments on the financial front or a Full Moon in your income sector on Thursday, just weeks before game changing developments on the work front are due. With Mercury spending his last full week in your relationship sector your relationships will also need your full attention, especially when the Moon moves through your communication sector over the weekend. The reality is they're all important, making smart time management essential from the get go.
   Capricorn Monday 29 June 2015  Dec 22 - Jan 19
When the Sun and Mars returned to your relationship sector last week they had a head start, thanks to the fact that Venus has already moved through and with the spotlight on your relationships and your passions and fighting spirit engaged, you've reached a point in the year where, knowing what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, it's time to walk the talk. Yet while a Full Moon in your sign on Thursday will bring personal and/or relationship tensions to a head, this is a timely reminder that your needs also matter, with support from communication forces creating the potential for a communication and/or relationship breakthrough. In the meantime, you've reached an auspicious week for money matters, with your imagination and Eureka moments your most important tools.
   Aquarius Monday 29 June 2015  Jan 20 - Feb 18
To say that this is a week where you'll need to fight, from the get go to maintain a balance between work and play is an over simplification, for it's much more complex than that. Yes, with Mercury in his last full week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart and the Sun and Mars in their first full week in your work sector, playful and work forces are in competition but you've reached such an important week for income, work and career matters that this is the stepping stone into something game changing. This could see the professional gods bully Mercury, on his own in a playful part of your chart, though it comes at a time when Venus and Jupiter, aligned in your communication sector, bring the support to ensure the communication lines are open.
   Pisces Monday 29 June 2015  Feb 19 - Mar 20
The key to making the most of a stunning and spectacular week for income, work and career matters and at the same time making the most of the Sun and Mars' first full week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, is smart time management and realising you can't be all things to everyone, all the time. That is especially so around the time of Thursday's Full Moon, when demands on your time and distractions could see you yearn to put out the 'do not disturb' sign and tell everyone to just leave you alone. What really turns this from a challenge to find the right balance to an opportunity to have it all, is realising that nothing is as urgent as you think it is and that you really can have it all, especially if you remember that it's all about the journey.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 21 2015 Weekly Sun Scope Horoscope Live by the Sun Happy Summer Solstace

General for Week Commencing: Monday 22 June 2015

   Aries Monday 22 June 2015  Mar 21 - Apr 19
With such strong relationships being forged between the planets when the Sun and Mars both move signs this will not only impact the area of your chart they're leaving or will return to, but will have a bigger ripple effect. While having done a lot to ensure the communication lines are open, especially on the relationship front, the Sun's departure from your communication sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday will leave both your relationships and communications in safe hands, with the journey continuing. Yet their return to your home and family sector is set to have bigger implications than just bringing home and family matters into the spotlight, boding well for financial matters on the home front. Meanwhile, matters of the heart get a major boost this week.
   Taurus Monday 22 June 2015  Apr 20 - May 20
While you've reached an important week for income, work and career matters, with the Sun's departure from your income sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday bringing you to a point where it's now more about tying up loose ends, it's a visit from the Moon that is the dark horse. That visit is to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart in the early days of the week, a visit that because it comes when there are so many bigger things going on, such as work, home, family, money and relationship matters, could fly under the radar. On face value this is the visit the Moon makes each month, temporarily giving matters of the heart a voice. Yet as the last visit before next month's developments there's a need to pay attention to your heart's emotional responses.
   Gemini Monday 22 June 2015  May 21 - Jun 21
While your birthday month comes to an end on Monday and Mars too will leave on Thursday, though not before leaving you with a sense of what excites you, your passions and your fighting spirit, this might be over in name but not in spirit. While the Sun and Mars will shift their focus onto income matters, just as the doors are open to second chances on both the work and career fronts, something that will deepen this week, it's too soon to cement your launch into this new solar year. That won't happen until the 9th July with Mercury, planet of communication and smart thinking and your ruling planet staying behind to tie up loose ends, especially when it comes to talks and making choices, decisions and plans. This allows you to keep your mind and your options open for a while longer.
   Cancer Monday 22 June 2015  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Your birthday month and new solar year might get off to a slow start when the Sun returns to Cancer on Monday, but you'll not only have a head start but you'll catch your second wind by Thursday. The head start comes courtesy of Venus, who having left 16 days earlier has also moved through, giving you a sense of what you want from your coming year before it even began, giving you a head start from the get go. What will really crank this new solar year into gear is Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos' return to your sign on Thursday, for the first time since 2013. This is when those energy levels will kick back in, just as auspicious developments are falling into place on the income and career fronts. Communication is also essential, especially in the early days of the week.
   Leo Monday 22 June 2015  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While the Sun's return to nostalgic part of your chart on Monday to begin the month long wind down of your old solar year will see you move into review mode and even more so when Mars does the same on Thursday this is something you're unlikely to completely buy into. For with Venus already in your sign and the Moon having moved through over the weekend, the doors to the future are already wide open and what lies on the other side is looking particularly tempting. The biggest danger is hurrying up the review process that you need to go through at this time every year, for while this will slow down your march into the future, that future is not only waiting for you it's looking particularly bright. The future isn't in any kind of a hurry, preferring you take the time to close old doors.
   Virgo Monday 22 June 2015  Aug 23 - Sep 22
There are a lot of big news stories this week, like the Sun's departure from your career sector on Monday, Mars' on Thursday and their return to a more social and networking focused part of your chart or a powerful alliance between intuitive and financial forces or a not so powerful but equally auspicious alliance between work and career forces. However, the event of most significance for you is something so small and mundane that the biggest danger is that it may be over looked. That event is the Moon's return to your sign in the early days of the week, a mundane event that happens once a month, giving you a chance to get your bearings and listen to your intuitive responses. As the Moon's last visit before new doors open next month this will be a sneak peek into what the future holds.
   Libra Monday 22 June 2015  Sep 23 - Oct 23
By the time you move into the new week you're just 10 days into a 13 day period where major developments on the income, work and career fronts are locking into place, with the final pieces falling into place during the first four days of this week. As you move into the new week it has been 7 days since Saturn retrograded back into your income sector and 10 days since Neptune turned retrograde in your work sector, opening the doors to second chances on both fronts. Yet it's the Sun's return to your income sector on Monday, Mars' on Thursday and Chiron's retrograde turn in your work sector on Wednesday that locks this into place. By Thursday the doors will be open to second chances on the work and income fronts and new doors will be opening on the career front and it will stay that way.
   Scorpio Monday 22 June 2015  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Despite the fact that you're moving into what has the potential to be one very auspicious professional week there is a counterthrust by adventurous forces that are making sure life doesn't become all work and no play, without taking anything away from the very real edge you have. Last Wednesday saw lucky Jupiter, moving through your career sector, move into a tight alliance with Uranus in your work sector, something that had been building since last July, will peak on Tuesday and hold tight until the end of the week. With the elements of fate and luck and the laws of attraction and synchronicity in play anything is possible, most likely when and where you least expect. Yet the Sun's return to an adventurous part of your chart on Monday and Mars' on Thursday will stop this from taking over.
   Sagittarius Monday 22 June 2015  Nov 22 - Dec 21
There are a lot of headline developments this week, such as the Sun's departure from your relationship sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday, shifting a huge amount of focus onto financial and money matters, as well as a powerful alliance between romantic, creative and adventurous forces. Yet up there among them is a lunar visit, something that is so mundane that it can often pass under the radar. That visit is the Moon's visit to your career sector in the early days of the week and while, with no planets in either of your professional houses this is a chance to tap into your professional instincts and get your bearings there is something more to this visit. As the Moon's last visit before big professional developments next month the professional gods will whisper some important clues.
   Capricorn Monday 22 June 2015  Dec 22 - Jan 19
While the Sun's departure from your work sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday won't see the professional gods wrap things up just yet, with a need to keep your work hat on and head in the game, it will take away a lot of the focus, allowing things to pull back to a more manageable level. That will be especially so when Mars leaves on Thursday, but until then there's a need to put everything you have into everything you do, doing whatever it take, for as long as it takes to get things up to speed. Mercury will stay on for another 2 weeks to help tie up loose ends. This is the point where the focus shifts more to your relationships, with your annual relationship review beginning just as the doors not only open to giving the past and unsaid words a voice, but in a healing and cathartic way.
   Aquarius Monday 22 June 2015  Jan 20 - Feb 18
While there are a lot of major cosmic developments this week, all important in their own right, the overriding theme is that the partnerships that will dominate the coming months are locking in place. One theme is on the relationship and communication front, where a major coming together of forces on both fronts locks into place as you move into the most defining relationship months of this year. The other theme is what's happening between the professional and money gods, with the Sun returning to your work sector on Monday, just a week after Saturn retrograded back into your career sector and just 10 days after Neptune turned retrograde in your income sector. Income, work and career forces are all moving into positions they'll maintain for the coming months.
   Pisces Monday 22 June 2015  Feb 19 - Mar 20
On face value, especially in the light of much bigger developments this week, the Moon's visit to your relationship sector in the early days of the week with be a distraction at best and at worst could see personal and/or relationship tensions come to a head, just when you least need them to. For this comes just as a major alliance between income and work forces peaks, creating an especially auspicious week for both income and work matters, but also just as the Sun's return to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on Monday and Mars' on Tuesday is making an all out attempt to create a balance between work and play. Yet the Moon's return to your relationship sector might just be more important, holding clues to major relationship developments next month.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14 2015 Weekly Sun Scopes Astrology Horoscopes Live by the Sun

General for Week Commencing: Monday 15 June 2015

   Aries Monday 15 June 2015  Mar 21 - Apr 19
A cosmic shift this week is set to have a domino effect across the board, changing the shape of the rest of the year. It's Saturn's return to your financial sector on Monday that on one hand will see an old sense of resolve kick back in, with a chance to take control of money matters and your financial game, as you begin a major 3 month period for financial housekeeping. Yet the biggest impact will be less on where Saturn is going and more on what this will bring an end to, which is both the mental pressure and communication issues of recent months and the timing couldn't be better. A line up of planets in your communication sector will not only be pleased when Saturn moves out of opposition, but will rely around Wednesday's New Moon, seeing this as a chance for a fresh start.
   Taurus Monday 15 June 2015  Apr 20 - May 20
While there could be a flare up of financial tension during Saturn's final hours in your financial sector on Monday, this will burn out before it begins, revealing an opportune week for income matters. Saturn's departure from your financial sector and return to your relationship sector on Monday is set to have big implications, especially on the relationship and income fronts. This takes the pressure off income forces just in time for Wednesday's New Moon in your income sector, coming just as the money gods have assembled to make one last assault on any glass ceilings. Anticipating more pressure from Saturn, the fact that he removes himself from the game will see any roadblocks suddenly vanish. Meanwhile this begins a major 3 month relationship housekeeping period.
   Gemini Monday 15 June 2015  May 21 - Jun 21
Saturn's departure from your relationship sector on Monday will have implications across the board, with the biggest effect not on the relationship front where he's leaving or on the work front where he's returning, but personally. Throughout your birthday month and since the planets first started returning to your sign in April they have had to face an opposition with Saturn in your relationship sector, for the first time in 28 years. Yet the hard task master of the cosmos will get out of the way just in time for the last full week of your birthday month and just 2 days before Wednesday's New Moon brings a chance to commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead. This will put relationship matters on hold, with a chance to revisit work matters that had been put on hold.
   Cancer Monday 15 June 2015  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Just as you reach the last full week of your old solar year, with Wednesday's New Moon bringing you to a point where it's now less about closing old doors and more about lining up for the new doors due to open next week, the Fun Police show up. Between October 2012 and December 2014 you had Saturn in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, making sure that no matter how busy life got that following your heart remained a priority. However since Saturn left on Christmas Eve the Fun Police have been taking a break, just as his return to your work sector saw him team up with career and income forces. Almost 6 months into the year and chances are all those good intentions of maintaining a balance between work and play are likely to have been lost.
   Leo Monday 15 June 2015  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While Wednesday's New Moon makes this a week for new beginnings, it's also a week where the past draws your attention. The biggest event this week is Saturn's departure from a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, where since Christmas Eve he's been acting as the Fun Police. Retrograding back out Saturn will leaves this for you to police, while he turns his focus back onto home and family matters, where a lot of your focus on the past will come from. At the same time Neptune's first full week in retrograde motion in your financial sector will also see your financial focus shift to the past, with the doors opening to the past, second chances and 20/20 hindsight on both the home and financial fronts. On the social and personal fronts all eyes are on the future.
   Virgo Monday 15 June 2015  Aug 23 - Sep 22
The Sun and Mars' last full week in your career sector was always going to make this a professionally focused week and thanks to Mercury's direct turn late last week the handbrake is finally off and the timing couldn't be better. It's the Moon's return to your career sector on Monday and the New Moon this creates midweek that will give your professional year the push it needs, but it's an event on Monday that is destined to make this more successful than it might have been. For on Monday Saturn will retrograde back out of your home and family sector, putting the work/life balance issues of recent months on hold, but at the same time getting out of the way of professionally forces, just as things gain traction. Relationship and communication matters get a real boost this week.
   Libra Monday 15 June 2015  Sep 23 - Oct 23
It's hard to say who gets the better deal, whether it's Saturn having Neptune in retrograde motion in your work sector as he retrogrades back into your income sector on Monday or it's work matters, with Saturn opening the door to second chances on the income front during the first full week where the doors are open to second chances on the work front. What is in no doubt is that they'll both benefit and especially when the Sun and Mars return to your career sector next week. In the meantime this makes the adventurous forces in play in the lead up to Wednesday's New Moon even more important to buy into, for with income, work and career forces coming together there's a need to embrace a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure while you can, making up for lost time.
   Scorpio Monday 15 June 2015  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Saturn's departure from your income sector on Monday will put his campaign of the last 6 months on hold, but at the same time this is going to give both work and career matters the green light, with nothing holding things back. This puts a new sense of urgency onto money matters, with Saturn's departure from your income sector taking the pressure off financial forces, just as the Sun and Mars are spending their last full week in your financial sector and as Wednesday's New Moon brings an opportunity for a fresh start and to draw a new line in the sand. Income matters are in the safe hands of the professional gods, allowing you and the money gods to focus on money matters, during the last full week of your annual financial review, while at the same time benefiting from past wakeup calls.
   Sagittarius Monday 15 June 2015  Nov 22 - Dec 21
The timing of Saturn's departure from your sign on Monday couldn't be better, especially for your relationships. Having returned on Christmas Eve to lay down the foundations for a new 30 year chapter and over the coming years will help you take your power back, Saturn puts that on hold and will start again front scratch in September. In the meantime this takes the pressure off your relationships, with the personal and/or relationship tensions of recent months easing right back, in time for Wednesday's New Moon. With the Sun and Mars both in their last full week in your relationship sector and Mercury now in direct motion you've got a clear sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, ready to commit to your relationships, the future and the journey ahead.
   Capricorn Monday 15 June 2015  Dec 22 - Jan 19
With the Moon leaving a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart in the early hours of the week it's more a case of holding onto what was triggered over the weekend, as you move into a week where everything is coming together on the work front. With the Sun and Mars in their last full week in your work sector and Mercury in his first full week in direct motion this was always going to be a time for moving on and starting the process of tying up loose ends, with Wednesday's New Moon simply speeding this process up. Yet it was the weekend's playful lunar vibes and Saturn's return to your friendship sector on Monday that reminds you life can't be all work and no play. In the meantime there's a new sense of financial confidence setting in, even if you can't explain why.
   Aquarius Monday 15 June 2015  Jan 20 - Feb 18
If it wasn't for one event this would be a week where personal matters come first, with a New Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on Wednesday, just as the Sun and Mars' last full week brings a new sense of urgency. On Wednesday a special 11 day alliance between communication and relationship forces will also begin, guiding you into some of the most auspicious relationship conditions of the year. That one event that stands in the way of your personal life getting your full attention is Saturn's return to your career sector on Monday and with Neptune spending his first full week in direct motion in your income sector and the Sun and Mars returning to your work sector next week, this is a game changing. Smart time management is essential.
   Pisces Monday 15 June 2015  Feb 19 - Mar 20
The focus is firmly on home and family matters this week and for once that doesn't mean work/life balance issues will be coming to a head or that you'll lose your professional edge. The last few months have been dominated by a series of oppositions between the planets moving through home and family sector, which they do at this time every year, moving into opposition with Saturn in your career sector, for the first time in 28 years. It's Saturn's departure from your career sector on Monday, just as the Sun and Mars spend their last full week in your home and family sector and in time for Wednesday's New Moon, that allows you to cement things on the home front. This won't be at the expense of your professional game, with work and income forces coming together to keep the momentum going.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June 7 2015 Weekly Horoscopes Live by the Sun Astrology

General for Week Commencing: Monday 08 June 2015

   Aries Monday 08 June 2015  Mar 21 - Apr 19
As well as being a big week for matters of the heart this is the week where the past and the future collide, with the year that's been starting to make way for a very different second half of the year and this the week that is a transition between the two. Venus' return to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart over the weekend has been the game changer, coming just as Saturn's final week in an adventurous part of your chart is giving you the courage to make up for lost time. Having forged a bond over the weekend, Venus and Saturn are encouraging you to follow your heart and embrace a sense of adventure across all the currencies in your life, especially with Saturn's return to your financial sector next week bringing the focus back onto money matters.
   Taurus Monday 08 June 2015  Apr 20 - May 20
If recent weeks are anything to go by Saturn's last full week in your financial sector is likely to be just as challenging, with just as much financial tension, which is why you can't afford to judge a book by its cover. For this is one week you can't judge by past experience, with Saturn's last full week in your financial sector not only likely to be a lot easier, but especially empowering. At the same time financial and income matters seem to have ironed out their differences, for you've not only reached what should be a good week for income matters, but a week where the doors are open to second chances on the career and income fronts. This is a good week for financial matters on the home, family and/or property fronts, but brings work/life balance issues back into contention.
   Gemini Monday 08 June 2015  May 21 - Jun 21
After last week's Full Moon and the unsettled conditions of recent months, chances are you'd have settled for a week where there was less pressure, with anything else a bonus. It's just as well then that the stars have set their bar higher, with your birthday month finally finding the teeth it needs to start giving you your power back. For the first time in 28 years your birthday month has encountered a challenge from Saturn, who has been raising the bar since long before this new solar year even began. Yet something about last week's Full Moon seems to have cleared the air and you'll not only find that personally you're feeling more motivated, but your relationships are undergoing a transformation. This week holds the potential for a communication and/or relationship breakthrough.
   Cancer Monday 08 June 2015  Jun 22 - Jul 22
While Saturn's last full week in your work sector requires one more week where you need to be willing to go above and beyond the point where you would normally give up, doing whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, there is some extra incentive just when you need it most. As she spends her first full week in your income sector Venus has not only teamed up with lucky Jupiter to usher in some lucrative months, but is on especially good terms with both work and career forces. The message from the money gods to the professional gods is 'we can take it from here'. From next week it will become more about the money, with one last week in order to prove yourself. Yet in the closing weeks of your old solar year there's a need to pace yourself and to work smarter, remembering you're only human.
   Leo Monday 08 June 2015  Jul 23 - Aug 22
Chances are Venus' return to your sign over the weekend has already got your attention, though maybe for the wrong reasons. Yet any personal and/or relationship tension this created was simply Venus making it clear from the get go that your personal needs have now become a priority, while relationship forces put forward their case. Yet with Venus, planet of love and Ceres, fellow goddess of the solar system in your relationship sector, they are allies from way back and having got your attention will be working together over the coming months to ensure your own and your relationship needs are being met. In the meantime Venus, planet of love has returned to your sign just in time to make Saturn's last full week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart count.
   Virgo Monday 08 June 2015  Aug 23 - Sep 22
A case of Mondayitis may have you wondering how you're going to handle another week of tension, until you actually get into the week and find that this isn't the case. It was last week's Full Moon that seems to have finally got everything out in the open. Where work/life balance issues have been challenging and home and family matters may still be challenging in their own right, professional matters have managed to sidestep this, getting into their own lane where things are likely to flow surprisingly well. As Saturn spends his last full week in your home and family sector there s a need for a responsible and diligent approach, but there is also a need to avoid creating challenges where there are none. Even Saturn, hard task master of the cosmos knows it's all about the journey.
   Libra Monday 08 June 2015  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While the Moon's visit to your work sector in the early days of the week, leaving just 2 days before Neptune's retrograde turn here on Friday brings a need to have your work hat on, this is more about keeping your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground. What you have is a chance to step back, thanks to Venus' departure from your career sector over the weekend. This is just a temporary reprieve, for with Saturn retrograding back into your income sector next Monday, the Sun and Mars returning to your career sector a week later and Neptune opening the door to second chances on the work front on Friday, the coming months hold major and game changing income, work and career developments. There is a push to make friendship and relationship building and communication a priority this week.
   Scorpio Monday 08 June 2015  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Venus' return to your career sector over the weekend is a game changer, the point where your professional year really begins; bringing you to the point where everything until now has been leading up to and everything from now will lead on from. By Monday Venus will have been here for just 48 hours, yet already she's teamed up with Saturn, in his last full week in your income sector and has managed to get a sense of the very lucky environment she's returned to. Here for the majority of the next 5 months instead of her usual 24 day visit, Venus not only puts the focus on professional matters this week, but in a game changing way. Yet Neptune's retrograde turn in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on Friday is a reminder that life can't be all work and no play.
   Sagittarius Monday 08 June 2015  Nov 22 - Dec 21
While the focus is still very much on relationship matters, the personal and/or relationship tension of recent months should have eased right back, with last week's Full Moon likely to have cleared the air. Recent months have seen one of the biggest battles to find a balance between your own and your relationship needs in decades, with your annual relationship review encountering its first opposition with Saturn since 1987. While there is usually a lot of focus on your relationships at this time of year, you don't usually have such a powerful advocate or even any advocate, making sure you're being true to yourself. Saturn's last full week in your sign is a chance to take your power back, in a week where you're likely to be juggling many balls. Across the board communication is essential.
   Capricorn Monday 08 June 2015  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Venus' first full week in your financial sector was always going to put more focus on money matters this week, teaming up with lucky Jupiter to bring home all the things you've been working on and towards since as far back as last July. Yet you'll also begin the week with the Moon in your income sector, ensuring you not only have a nose for money from the get go, but as the spotlight falls on money matters, that income matters aren't forgotten. This comes just as everything is coming together on the work front, with Mercury's direct turn in your work sector on Friday coming just as a new sense of urgency and resolve has been born. The time wasn't right before now to push home a professional advantage. Until Friday spend as much time as you can back at the drawing board.
   Aquarius Monday 08 June 2015  Jan 20 - Feb 18
Venus' departure from your work sector over the weekend brings you back to where you were 4 weeks ago, with no planetary activity in either of your professional houses. This is giving Venus a chance to focus on your relationships and for your relationships to get a foothold before the professional gods show up again, which they will with a vengeance next week. What has made this year so different from the last 2 years has been a lack of professional focus, thanks to Saturn's departure from your career sector on Christmas Eve. Yet returning next Monday it won't be long before the professional gods claim your attention again, which is just part of the reason why Venus' first full week in your relationship sector is so important, with a chance for friendship and relationship building.
   Pisces Monday 08 June 2015  Feb 19 - Mar 20
At the same time that Venus is spending her first full week in your work sector Saturn is spending his last in your career sector, with the new guard arriving to allow the old guard to take a break. When Saturn retrogrades back out of your career sector next Monday that is what it will be, a break, for returning in September and then not leaving until December 2017 this will see career matters step back in order to allow not only work matters, but income matters as well to take over. Yet from the get go the message is a need to pace yourself and also to learn from the work/life balance lessons of recent weeks. While home and career forces are no longer in opposition this is still an important time of the year on both fronts, with balance between the two essential.