Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 6 2015 Weekly Sun Scopes We Live by the Sun Horoscope

General for Week Commencing: Monday 07 September 2015

   Aries Monday 07 September 2015  Mar 21 - Apr 19
It's not just the seasons in flux but there are some major changes developing in the stars over the coming week, starting with Venus' direct turn in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart over the weekend. Monday is Venus' first full day in direct motion, but with Mars moving into his final 2 weeks on Friday, as the week progresses a new sense of urgency is setting in. By the end of the week there will be some stiff competition from the professional gods, with a solar eclipse in your work sector over the weekend ushering in an era of major new beginnings. At the same time this is a week that is all about taking responsibility for money matters, while also working to ensure the communication lines open, especially on the relationship front.
   Taurus Monday 07 September 2015  Apr 20 - May 20
While finding the right balance between work and play might be a challenge this week, with forces on both fronts wanting your attention, as this will be the case of the rest of the year it's something you need to get to grips with now. With Mercury slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn in your work sector next week and the Sun still several weeks away, apart from a need to keep your head in the game you'll benefit in the long run by working smarter. For the most part playful and work forces can be kept in their own lanes, especially with this week's solar eclipse in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart not falling until the weekend. What will need your attention all week are your relationships as the relationship gods get ready to hand you back the reins.
   Gemini Monday 07 September 2015  May 21 - Jun 21
While Saturn won't return to your relationship sector until next Friday and this week is more focused on bringing things up to speed on the work front, your relationships will ultimately benefit from Venus' direct turn in your communication sector over weekend. Monday is Venus' first full day in direct motion, allowing you to draw a new line in the sand, with the focus shifting from the past onto the journey ahead. With Venus and Mars still in your communication sector when Saturn returns to your relationship sector next week this is a chance to get in first and ensure the communication lines are open. In the meantime the lead up to the weekend's solar eclipse in your home and family sector may also see work/life balance tensions rise, this time with some real solutions possible.
   Cancer Monday 07 September 2015  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Venus' direct turn in your income sector over the weekend and her first full day in direct motion on Monday allows you to move into the week with a new sense of confidence and not just financial confidence. Venus knows that in order to raise the bar on the income front you've got to raise the bar on your expectations across the board and that you can't expect more in one currency without expecting more across all the currencies in your life. With Mars now in his final weeks in your income sector there's a push to smash your way through any glass ceilings, especially with Saturn returning to your work sector next Friday. However be warned the Fun Police are on patrol and are becoming more vigilant. In the meantime something special is developing on the communication and relationship fronts.
   Leo Monday 07 September 2015  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While your birthday month is over with Venus and Mars still here you're not at a point where you're ready to commit to this new solar year and the journey ahead and won't be for another month. However you're one step closer thanks to Venus' direct turn over the weekend, for at least now your heart is focused on the future rather than on the rear view mirror. With Mars in his final weeks in Leo throw yourself into the things that excite you and your passions. This is no ordinary year, with your expectations for the coming year needing to be extraordinary. At the same time this is an important week for the professional and money gods, with the professional gods preparing for a turnaround on the work front next week and the money gods for this weekend's solar eclipse in your income sector.
   Virgo Monday 07 September 2015  Aug 23 - Sep 22
Despite the fact that the weekend's solar eclipse, the first in your sign since 2007 and the first involving Jupiter since 1968 will bring you to a point in your birthday month where you're able to embrace the future and journey ahead, don't be surprised if your heart's not it in or you haven't yet decided what excites you. How can you with Venus and Mars not here yet? Venus' direct turn over the weekend means that she's now moving back towards your sign and with Mars now less than 3 weeks away there is a growing sense of anticipation and while a solar eclipse is a time to draw a line in the sand, this is more about committing to a future where you can fill in the blanks as you go. In the meantime work to ensure the communication lines are open, especially on the relationship front.
   Libra Monday 07 September 2015  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While the wind down of your old solar year continues, you've got a mix of hindsight and foresight to draw on, creating a week where you're able to keep one foot in the past and another in the future or should that be a foot in the past and your head in the future. For with Mercury already in your sign and your head in the game and around your options, this is giving you a jump on your new solar year before it begins. Yet it's not until the weekend's solar eclipse that the Sun will start looking to the future and lining things up for the start of your birthday month and new solar year, allowing you to stay focused on the road ahead. In the meantime Venus and Mars make this an important week for being a team player, with some serendipitous moments and/or encounters possible.
   Scorpio Monday 07 September 2015  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Mars visits your career sector once every 2 years and with this first visit since 2013 and last until 2017 now in its final weeks, his professional passions and fighting spirit are being fuelled with a new sense of urgency. However with Venus in retrograde motion the handbrake has been on, making her direct turn over the weekend a game changer. While Venus herself will take several weeks to speed up and won't leave for another month, Mars is able to carry things for a while. With Saturn returning to your income sector next week and a total lunar eclipse in your work sector later in the month all of a sudden things are looking up across the income, work and career fronts. Pace yourself while you can during an important week for personal and professional networking.
   Sagittarius Monday 07 September 2015  Nov 22 - Dec 21
Despite the fact that you're heading towards a career changing solar eclipse in over the weekend, the first in your career sector involving lucky Jupiter in 47 years, there isn't the urgency you would expect. It's not until Mars returns on the 25th September, by which point the tide will have turned on the income front that things will really take off, giving you time to heed the work/life balance warnings. This is something that you face at this time every year and like the safety warnings before a plane takes off, when you hear them often enough there is a danger of zoning out. However you're in the early days of a major professional chapter that will take until mid 2017 to play out, with the right work/life balance essential. This has to be your priority this week.
   Capricorn Monday 07 September 2015  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Starting the week with the Moon in your work sector is always going to give you an intuitive edge from the get go, especially with Mercury spending his last full week in direct motion in your career sector. With the last Mercury retrograde phase of 2015 starting next week, key to turning this from a period of mixed messages, misunderstanding and mistakes and into a period of second chances and untapped potential is getting a feel for the natural current and working with it. This makes it important to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, especially professionally. However this is also an important week for personal and professional networking, friendship and relationship building with the closer you get to the weekend the more power words will have to heal.
   Aquarius Monday 07 September 2015  Jan 20 - Feb 18
After Venus' direct turn in your relationship sector over the weekend and after Mars moved into his final 3 weeks last Friday, the focus is on your relationships this week, with a chance to put the past behind you. There has been continuous planetary activity in your relationship sector since July 2014, bringing you to a point where you should know by now what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, with Venus and Mars staying behind to help make it a reality. However you've also reached an important week for professional matters, with Saturn spending his last full week in your career sector for another 27 years. In the lead up to the weekend's solar eclipse you'll also need to keep your money hat on, creating a week where you're likely to be juggling many balls.
   Pisces Monday 07 September 2015  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While Venus' direct turn in your work sector over the weekend has given work matters the green light, something that Mars and his work passions, fighting and competitive spirit are likely to run with, creating a new sense of urgency the real momentum won't come until Saturn returns to your career sector next week. This gives you a chance to find your feet and considering the next chance you'll get to take your professional hat off won't come until January 2018, work out how you're going to pace yourself and manage your time. The early days of the week offer a short opportunity to find a balance between work and play, but it's your relationships that really need a fair slice of your attention, especially in the lead up to the weekend's solar eclipse in your relationship sector.

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