Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March 6 2016 Weekly Horoscopes We Live by the Sun

General for Week Commencing: Monday 07 March 2016

   Aries Monday 07 March 2016  Mar 21 - Apr 19
While we’re heading into a tense few weeks, this is being balanced by the kind of support that can turn pressure into a real force for change, the courage to push through obstacles and achieve the kind of breakthrough that only a committed and determined heart can reach. While the pressure is likely to present as work tension, it will be felt in any situation where you feel pulled from too many directions, feel a need to be in too many places at the same time or have too many balls to juggle. In the closing weeks of your old solar year you’ll always have less wind in your sails but you don’t usually have forces driving you to stay busy. Yet as you become more sure of what you’re actually fighting for and working towards you’re able to use pressure as leverage, while waking up to a need to work smarter.
   Taurus Monday 07 March 2016  Apr 20 - May 20
While there is a need to move into the week with your professional hat on, this is a last push from the professional gods before the push to get this professional year up to speed ends over the weekend and is more about listening to your heart and your gut. It’s an alignment between the Moon and Venus in your career sector on Monday that allows you to put your professional instincts, desires and expectations on the same page, giving you the confidence to not only see your personal and professional goals and ambitions, but the best route to turning them into reality. However, the event that will literally eclipse the week is Wednesday’s total solar eclipse in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking, not only creating the potential for major new beginnings, but bringing the element of fate into play and the likelihood of accidental meetings.
   Gemini Monday 07 March 2016  May 21 - Jun 21
It’s no wonder, with over half the solar system in your career sector and more planets there by the end of the week than in the rest of your chart combined, there’s a need to keep your professional hat on this week, but even more so with Wednesday’s potentially game changing total solar eclipse. While this is the week that in terms of not just your professional year but your professional game full stop that everything until now has lead up to and everything from now will lead on from, this goes beyond your professional game. With Mars’ departure from your work sector over the weekend the work till you drop attitude of the last few months is gone and across both your personal and professional goals, ambitions and plans for 2016 a new and more resolve sense of purpose is emerging. It’s time to go after the things that motivate you.
   Cancer Monday 07 March 2016  Jun 22 - Jul 22
It’s not just that you’re likely to have your work hat on from the get go this week, but thanks to Mars’ return to your work sector over the weekend life is set to become a lot busier across the board. This is less because both work and personal demands will now be beating a path to your door and more that within you comes a new urge to roll up your sleeves, get stuck in and make things happen. If you feel that you’ve been procrastinating get ready for a new worth ethic to kick in, especially when it comes to the things that excite you, your work passions, fighting and competitive spirit. Deadlines could become addictive and because of that and how long Mars will stay here, there’s a need to work smarter. Having over half the solar system in an adventurous part of your chart and a total solar eclipse midweek brings a reminder that life can’t be all work and no play.
   Leo Monday 07 March 2016  Jul 23 - Aug 22
There is an extreme amount of focus on money and income matters this week, with the money gods deciding that in for a penny, in for a pound. It’s not just that you’ve got over half the solar system in your financial sector, with more planets focused on supporting your annual financial review than in the rest of your chart combined and even more by the end of the week, but a midweek solar eclipse will create financial tension but also the potential for a breakthrough on both the income and financial fronts. So much so, that on both fronts this is the point where everything until now has lead up to and everything from now will lead on from. Yet don’t think you’ll get away with having your work and money hats on 24/7, with the Fun Police doubling their numbers this week, with Mars on a new mission to fuel your romantic and creative passions and fighting spirit.
   Virgo Monday 07 March 2016  Aug 23 - Sep 22
There is a need for a warning label on this week, but no need for fear or anxiety. It’s simply that, right in the heart of one of the most important relationship weeks of 2016, the point where everything until now has lead up to and everything from now will lead on from, your own needs are fighting back. What you’re starting to find, in the lead up to Wednesday’s total solar eclipse in your relationship sector, is that at the same time that your relationships demand something real and authentic, compromising your own needs and truth is no longer an option. This could see personal and/or relationship tensions come to a head, but thanks to Mercury’s return to your relationship sector over the weekend you’ve got the means to ensure the communication lines are open, creating the potential for a communication and/or relationship breakthrough.
   Libra Monday 07 March 2016  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While you’ve reached a huge week for work matters, with half the solar system on board to support Wednesday’s total solar eclipse and its potential for major new beginnings, there are forces in play to ensure this doesn’t get out of hand. While Venus will return to your work sector over the weekend, able to capitalise on all that the solar eclipse has triggered, until then she’ll spend the majority of the week in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, enforcing a balance between work and play. Yet even without Venus there you’d find it hard to work yourself into the ground, mainly because of the work tensions you’ll encounter if you try to. Jupiter is actively enforcing a need to also find time to hear yourself think. If you find any situation getting tense this week or you find yourself getting flustered at work, talk it through.
   Scorpio Monday 07 March 2016  Oct 24 - Nov 21
While the event that will literally eclipse everything else this week is a midweek total solar eclipse in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, this allows less obvious but just as important matters to slip in, largely unnoticed. Sitting plump in the middle of the week and lording it over the week by the sheer number of planets located here, the Fun Police are out in force, making this a week for following your heart in all that you do, along with an opportunity for major new beginnings. Yet behind the scenes and with playful forces proving a real distraction, the money and professional gods are rearranging the chairs on the income and work fronts, ready for some major developments over the coming weeks. For now this will be felt as a new sense of entitlement, as you start standing up for what you deserve across all the currencies in your life.
   Sagittarius Monday 07 March 2016  Nov 22 - Dec 21
While there could be some work/life balance tension this week, especially midweek, this is one of those times when it’s the tension itself not what’s causing it that is the problem, but even then it’s more opportunity than problem. On one side you have a hugely important week for home, family and/or property matters, with a total solar eclipse on Wednesday creating an opportunity for major new beginnings over the coming days and week and the weekend and Saturday in particular is especially auspicious. On the other side you have an alliance between career and income forces that begin midweek and runs through to the end of next week, creating some real potential on both fronts. The problem is that these two camps are actively competing for the same time, energy and attention and this may create some work/life balance tension. It’s all about balance and smart time management.
   Capricorn Monday 07 March 2016  Dec 22 - Jan 19
While there is a huge amount of focus on communication, talks, discussions and connecting in general, thanks to not only a total solar eclipse in your communication sector but the fact that you have over half the solar system here, there will be times when you’ll need to put out the 'do not disturb' sign. It was only over the weekend that you’re likely to have noticed that some of the wind has come out of your sails and moving through the week you’ll find that it doesn’t pick up. Mars’ return to a nostalgic part of your chart over the weekend and the start of a very protracted wind down of your current Mars cycle brings a need for down time, time to hear yourself think. Yet with the means to work smarter and with smart time management this shouldn’t be a problem and you’ll probably enjoy a chance to cruise in life’s slow lane when you get the chance.
   Aquarius Monday 07 March 2016  Jan 20 - Feb 18
Mars’ departure from your career sector over the week has changed the dynamics and the further into the week you go you’ll notice some big changes, but the only thing that won’t change is a slowdown in your professional momentum. You’ll no longer feel the pressure to stay on top of your game, fighting for both your personal and professional causes, but you’ll also find that you no longer need to. What is going to keep the professional momentum going is the extreme amount of focus on income matters, with a midweek total solar eclipse in your income sector supported by over half the solar system. Financial tension takes an opportunity for major new beginnings and turns it into an opportunity for a breakthrough as well. In the meantime, personal and professional networking, friendship building and a need to be a team player becomes a lot more important.
   Pisces Monday 07 March 2016  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While we’re all going to be feeling some intensity and possibly tension this week, unfortunately you’re right in the firing line, which is why it’s important to read the warning label this week comes with, recognise the true gift and opportunity it presents, but also that you avoid sweating the small stuff. At some point during your birthday month the Moon will move through, align with the Sun and create the New Moon that gives you a chance to commit to your new solar year and the journey ahead. This is a positive experience, but as a total solar eclipse Wednesday’s New Moon has raised the bar and it comes just as Jupiter, the largest and most powerful planet in the solar system, is challenging your excuses. While this may present as personal and/or relationship tension, with the communication lines open you’re able to turn this into an opportunity for a real breakthrough.

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