Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 18 2016 We Live By the Sun Weekly Horoscopes

General for Week Commencing: Monday 19 September 2016

   Aries Monday 19 September 2016  Mar 21 - Apr 19
On a number of fronts the tides are getting ready to turn, but most noticeable is on the professional front, where despite all that has already transpired on the work front there is even more to come. The Moon’s return to your income sector on Monday and position here in the early days of the week is set to prove critical, giving you a nose for money during the Sun’s final days in your work sector and during the last few days where the doors are open to the past, second chances and untapped potential across the income, work and career fronts at the same time. With Mercury turning direct in your work sector on Thursday and Pluto not only turning direct in your career sector next Tuesday but Mars returning on the same day, the professional gods are far from ready to leave the field. Yet at the same time something special is developing on the relationship front.
   Taurus Monday 19 September 2016  Apr 20 - May 20
While there has been a battle waging between playful and work forces for some time, the pendulum starts to move towards the work side of things, which will make playful forces fight even harder to maintain a balance between work and play. With Mercury in retrograde motion in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart until Thursday there is not only a sense of nostalgia in the air but the doors remain open to the past and second chances, at the same time when for one last week adventurous forces are doing the same. Yet the Sun’s departure from this playful part of your chart and return to your work sector on Friday will not only put more focus on work forces, but teaming up with lucky Jupiter for the first time here in over a decade, this puts the weight of the solar system into work mode. However, playful forces aren’t going down without a fight.
   Gemini Monday 19 September 2016  May 21 - Jun 21
After the weekend’s lunar eclipse is likely to have brought work/life balance tensions to a head once again, something seems to have shifted that allows you to move into the week with a lot more confidence. To start with this will simply be a sense that something has shifted, but by the time the Moon returns to your income sector and Venus to your work sector over the weekend, there will be proof that across the income, work and career fronts the tide has finally turned. In the meantime, the Sun will continue to shine the solar spotlight on your home and family situation and matters until Friday, with Mercury working until just a day before to give the past and unsaid words a voice. The one thing that has come out of the weekend’s lunar eclipse is an awareness that life can’t be all work and no play.
   Cancer Monday 19 September 2016  Jun 22 - Jul 22
While a bit of work/life balance tension at the start of the week might temporarily break your stride and cause a rethink, the timing couldn’t be better. With Mars in his last full week in your work sector and an already busy year moving into a manic phase, if the warrior planet of the cosmos had his way you will have worked yourself into the ground by the time he leaves. The reality is there is no need for urgency and instead a need to work smarter, with any work/life balance reminders at the start of the week coming at just the right time. This is not just something that you’ll benefit from personally but work matters will benefit from as well, for a feeling of panic and having a manic pace to try and keep up with is likely to be counter productive. You’ll get far more out of Mars’ final week by working smarter.
   Leo Monday 19 September 2016  Jul 23 - Aug 22
From the get go there is not only a need to have your professional hat on, but your money and work hats as well, reaching an important week on all three fronts. To start with this is more about looking back through the rear view mirror, with the Moon’s return to your career sector on Monday the last visit while the doors are open to the past, second chances and untapped potential and where the professional instincts this triggers will come with 20/20 hindsight. With Mercury in his final days in retrograde motion in your income sector by then and Pluto in his last full week in retrograde motion in your income sector, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. Yet with the Sun leaving your income sector on Friday looking back is more a chance to learn what you can before moving forward, with a turnaround on both the income and work fronts underway.
   Virgo Monday 19 September 2016  Aug 23 - Sep 22
In the final days of your birthday month there is a lot to consider and also a lot to take on board. For the first time in over a decade and for the last time until 2027 you’ve moved into your new solar year with lucky Jupiter on board, allowing you to align the start of a new solar year with the start of a new 12 year Jupiter cycle of expansion, something you’ve been laying down the foundations for since August 2015. By the time the Sun leaves your sign on Friday you need to be ready to embrace the journey and the journey ahead, but that doesn’t mean you have to have finalised your game plan. With Mercury staying on for another two weeks, Friday marks the point where you’re able to get down to the details and start making choices, decisions and plans. In the meantime, you’ll have a better sense by the weekend of the major income potential unfolding.
   Libra Monday 19 September 2016  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While your birthday month and new solar year doesn’t officially begin until the Sun returns to Libra on Friday, it won’t be news to you that this has already begun in all but name. Yet it will take the Sun’s return to reveal what you have suspected for some time, that this is indeed your biggest and most important solar year in over a decade and it has nothing to do with how old you’re turning. For the first time since 2005 the Sun will return to find lucky Jupiter on board, but having only returned two weeks earlier, this is when you will come face to face with the fact that you’re not just moving into a new solar year, but a major new life chapter. Venus’ departure from Libra on Saturday will leave you with a clear sense of what you want as she shifts her focus to creating magic across the income, work and career fronts.
   Scorpio Monday 19 September 2016  Oct 24 - Nov 21
While there may be some work tension or pressure from life in general in the early hours of the week, this will not only ease fairly quickly but will bring a timely reminder of a need to work smarter. While it is work forces that are being put in their place, days before the month long wind down of your current solar year begins on Friday, this is a general call out to pace yourself. Making this easier than you might think, apart from the fact that there is a strong sense of romantic nostalgia in the air and pleasant moments to be found escaping into your imagination and old memories, is the fact that Mars’ last full week in your income sector makes working smarter both a must and relatively easy. This gives you the confidence to see what’s in it for you across all the currencies in your life and where something is worth investing your time and energy.
   Sagittarius Monday 19 September 2016  Nov 22 - Dec 21
In the Sun’s final days in your career sector there is not only a chance to look to the future and where to from here as you work to capitalise on the enormous momentum gained over the last 15 months, but to look back and reflect on the journey across the income, work and career fronts. While the Sun’s departure from your career sector on Friday will take the solar spotlight off your work situation and matters, just two weeks after lucky Jupiter’s departure, with a major breakthrough and turnaround coming on the career front next week, there won’t be much time to catch your breath before the next professional wave hits. Already, as more and more focus shifts to your social life and to both personal and professional networking and friendship building, you’re starting to realise that life can’t be all work and no play and that work/life balance is essential.
   Capricorn Monday 19 September 2016  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Playful and adventurous forces will be doing their best to disguise the fact that you have not only reached a game changing professional week, but a game changing point in your professional career. In the Sun’s final days in an adventurous part of your chart it’s not only playful and adventurous forces that will be doing their best to distract you, but a sense of nostalgia and a chance to make up for lost time. However, there is no escaping the inevitable slide towards professional success, with the Sun’s return to your career sector on Friday coming just two weeks after lucky Jupiter’s return. That the solar spotlight should shift onto your career situation, matters and options at this time of year is a very ordinary event, but what it reveals is far from ordinary. The stars are doing their best to remind you that you can enjoy professional success without life becoming all work and play.
   Aquarius Monday 19 September 2016  Jan 20 - Feb 18
There is something smug developing on the professional front this week, with Venus knowing that her return to your career sector over the weekend is set to have game changing consequences. During her time in your career sector Venus will punch well above her weight, attracting opportunities and the kind of success she alone could never bring. When Mars’ longest visit to your career sector in two decades ended early last month he left behind an incredible amount of untapped potential and it’s that gold mine that Venus will open the door to over the weekend. Yet until then you have a week that is as unprofessionally focused as it gets and instead a sense of adventure will grow more potent as the week progresses, fuelled by playful lunar vibes in the second half of the week. Yet at the end of the week a professional honey trap lies in wait.
   Pisces Monday 19 September 2016  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While the weekend’s lunar eclipse is likely to have seen personal and/or relationship tensions once more come to a head, from the get go it’s likely to feel that the lid has finally been blown on all those pressures you’ve been under for so long. To make doubly sure the communication gods descend on the early days of the week, with the Moon moving through your communication sector during Mercury, planet of communication’s last few days in retrograde motion in your relationship sector, working together to give your relationships, the past and unsaid words a voice. A major corner has been turned and you’ll feel more confident and inspired, both personally and within your relationships. While the focus is shifting more to money matters this week, a sense of adventure will kick in over the weekend, just as playful lunar vibes also take hold.

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