Aries |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Mar 21 - Apr 19 |
Just as Mercury is tying up loose
ends on the work front and one massive push from the professional gods
comes to an end, another begins as the planets of war and revolution
come together to fire things up on the career front. Mars’ first full
week in your career sector and Pluto’s first full week direct has your
professional year suddenly spring back to life, just as Mercury’s
departure from your work sector on Friday will see work matters tied up
and move on the course they will continue on. However, if you think
you’ll get away with letting life become all work and no play that won’t
be an option either, though an important week for relationship building
will include both your personal and professional relationships. At the
same time expect your financial confidence to rise, with a better sense
of your financial and income objectives. |
Taurus |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Apr 20 - May 20 |
In a week where the final battle in a
war to find a balance between work and play is being waged, there is
also a battle to find a balance between your personal and relationship
needs. Your biggest problem right now is that you can have it all, with
matters of the heart having some real support, as you not only move into
your busiest but most opportune year for job growth in over a decade.
At the same time, with Venus on board your relationships are getting a
real boost, with something magical possible when it comes to
relationship building. Yet in her last full week in Taurus Ceres is a
staunch defender of your personal needs and will be on guard for your
relationships taking away any of your personal truth. Across all aspects
of your life the focus this week is balance, with the downside to being
able to have it all being some juggling and prioritising is required. |
Gemini |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
May 21 - Jun 21 |
Despite the fact that life is
opening up, with matters of the heart and work matters both well
favoured this week, there is still a need for time to hear yourself
think. As much as there is a lot going on and there is a lot you will
want to be a part of, you’re still likely to treasure and need those
moments of solitude, where you can put out the 'do not disturb' sign.
While much of what is developing on the home and work fronts and with
all things fun, playful, romantic and creative is a continuation of
recent weeks, there is a new kid on the block, in the form of a
turnaround on the financial front. The planets of war and revolution
have come together to fire up your financial passions and fighting
spirit and the courage to start fighting your way out of a financial
rut. This is also likely to trigger deeper passions that until now had
been put on hold. |
Cancer |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Jun 22 - Jul 22 |
As more and more focus shifts to
your home and family situation and matters a need for work/life balance
is becoming more and more apparent. While it won’t be until the end of
next week that your home and professional lives clash, bringing any
work/life balance tensions to a head, it has already become apparent
this is now a priority. It helps that Mars’ departure from your work
sector last week has taken away the manic work pressure you’ve been
under. While you might be just as busy and have just as much on your
plate, you’ll find that you’re able to work smarter and more
efficiently, getting more done in less time. This is the key to
achieving the right work/life balance, with a chance this week to
regroup and take a smarter and more focused approach to smart time
management. It is all about focus, knowing when to have your work hat on
and when to take it off. |
Leo |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Jul 23 - Aug 22 |
All of a sudden the pace of life has
picked up and you can not only expect one of the busiest weeks of the
year to date, but that this will be your normal until at least the early
weeks of November. Yet it is Mercury’s final days in your income sector
and the smart head for money you have to work with until he leaves on
Friday that is the key to working smarter, something that is a priority
from the get go. Yet as things take off and start to move on the work
front Ceres’ last full week in your career sector also becomes more
important, creating a sense of urgency when it comes to defining your
professional priorities and even your definition of professional
success. Clear professional objectives and a smart head for money will
allow you to work smarter and take the reins of busy work forces from
the get go. This is an important week for talks, conversations and
communication. |
Virgo |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
While the stars can’t and don’t
control our lives that do make certain things more possible and doable
at different times of the year and this week they are lending their full
support to throwing caution to the wind as you dare to follow your
heart. Will everyone suddenly get a chance to embrace their romantic and
creative passions, experience thrilling romantic developments or other
life events that make life soar or bring cause for celebration, such as
an engagement or anything equally exciting? The answer is no, but all of
a sudden all things are more possible, as the planets of war and
revolution join forces in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively
charged part of your chart. With income opportunities unfolding and new
work opportunities developing next month, war has been declared on a
life that is all work and no play. |
Libra |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Sep 23 - Oct 23 |
Despite the fact that the weekend’s
New Moon has already given you a chance to commit to your new solar
year, the future and the journey ahead and with a tailwind at your back
you’re able to embrace the future head on, it’s not until Mercury
returns to Libra on Friday that you’ll have a chance to get your head in
the game. Until then it is too early to make any specific choices,
decisions and plans, with the more you can keep your mind and your
options open the better. This makes it important to move into the week
high on confidence but short on details, trusting an intuitive sense
that this is no ordinary solar year you’ve moved into. In the meantime,
just as work tensions are running their course there is a new sense of
confidence and some real possibilities emerging on the income front. |
Scorpio |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Oct 24 - Nov 21 |
The wind down of your old solar year
begins in earnest this week or at least it will do by the weekend. With
this is a greater than normal need for time to hear yourself think and
you may find that if you don’t get it you become stressed and
frustrated, making working smarter and smart time management essential.
While there may be times when it feels like the wind has been taken out
of your sails, a bit of time out and a chance to put out the 'do not
disturb' sign will fix that. Yet while your birthday month and new solar
year is still several weeks away, there is already a chance to start
looking at what you want from the coming year. There is a lot of
communication happening this week, from emails flying backwards and
forwards to talks and discussions. However, if you’re signing documents
or anything communication related don’t buy into a false sense of
urgency. |
Sagittarius |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
While life has moved on from the all
or nothing professional focus that has dominated the majority of the
year to date, there is some tying up of loose ends on both the work and
career fronts before you’re ready to set things on the course they will
continue on. Yet no sooner than the professional gods are starting to
step back than the money gods are ready to step into their place, with
some stunning developments possible on the income front, not just this
week but right through to the early weeks of November. The planets of
war and revolution have teamed up in your income sector and they have
already declared war on any glass ceilings, especially those in your own
mind. In the meantime, both personal and professional networking and
friendship building has become a lot more important and will become even
more important by the weekend. |
Capricorn |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Dec 22 - Jan 19 |
As much as your professional star is
on the rise and the weekend’s New Moon in your career sector has
created an opportunity for new beginnings while putting a tailwind at
your back, there is an all out effort this week to ensure this doesn’t
come at the expense of your work/life balance or a balance between work
and play. Fun, playful, romantic and creative forces in play this week
make it impossible to ignore a need for balance, especially as it is
operating in its own lane and is presenting as no threat to your
professional game. However, a more direct challenge is coming from your
home and family life and matters and while any work/life balance issues
won’t come to a head until later next week, there is already a need for
balance. In the meantime, with the laws of attraction and synchronicity
in effect there is a high chance of serendipitous moments and/or
encounters. |
Aquarius |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
While the Moon’s return to your
career sector in the early days of the week will not only ensure your
professional instincts are sharp, but engaging with Venus will bring a
need to have your professional hat on from the get go, this isn’t enough
to highjack the week itself. However, there are signs that having eased
back, your professional year is building momentum gain and by the end
of the month this will become a lot more dominant. In the meantime, you
shouldn’t have a problem juggling your professional life with what is an
adventurous week, with a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure
invading every corner of your life and your week. Despite the fact that
you’re still tying up loose ends on the financial front, exploring new
professional options and home and family matters remain a priority, a
sense of adventure will make it impossible to develop tunnel vision. |
Pisces |
Monday 03 October 2016 |
Feb 19 - Mar 20 |
While there is even more focus on
financial and money matters after the weekend’s New Moon in your
financial sector, apart from moving into the week with your financial
instincts sharp and a tailwind at your back that favours new beginnings
and a fresh start to money matters, there is a need to keep your mind
and your options open. It’s not until Mercury returns to your financial
sector on Friday that you’ll have the smart head for money needed to
start making smart financial choices, decisions and plans, but even then
there is just too much water still to pass under the bridge. That
includes developments on the income front next week and on the career
front the week after, with signs that income matters are rising to meet
competition from financial forces. In the meantime, Mercury’s final days
in your relationship sector bring an urgent need to ensure the
communication lines are open. |
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