As you all probably have heard Mila gave birth to Ashton's Baby yesterday. I thought you might like to see a sample of the psyche and eros report for them. You can order one for yourself here:
is an American actor, investor, producer, and former model. He is known for his portrayal of Michael Kelso in the Fox sitcom That '70s Show. He also created, produced, and hosted Punk'd and had lead roles in the Hollywood films Jobs, Dude, Where's My Car?, Just Married, The Butterfly Effect, The Guardian, and What Happens in Vegas. Kutcher currently stars as Walden Schmidt on the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men, since Charlie Sheen's firing from the show in 2011.
Milena Markovna "Mila" Kunis (born August 14, 1983)
is an American actress. In 1991, at the age of seven, she moved from the Soviet Union to Los Angeles with her family. After being enrolled in acting classes as an after-school activity, she was soon discovered by an agent. She appeared in several television series and commercials, before acquiring her first significant role prior to her 15th birthday, playing Jackie Burkhart on the television series That '70s Show. In September 1999, she began voicing Meg Griffin on the animated series Family Guy. According to Wiki, Mila started dating Ashton while he was still married to Demi, in April 2012.
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Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at the time of your birth. For the benefit of students of astrology, these positions, along with other technical information, are listed below:
Data for Ashton: Data for Mila:
Tropical Zodiac Tropical Zodiac
House System: PLACIDUS House System: PLACIDUS
Standard time observed Daylight Savings Time observed
Time Zone: 6 hours West Time Zone: 3 hours East
GMT: 18:30:06 GMT: 13:00:11
42 N 00 30 91 W 38 38 48 N 18 25 E 56
Sun 18 deg 38 min Aqu Sun 21 deg 11 min Leo
Moon 20 deg 42 min Aqu Moon 9 deg 09 min Sco
Merc 4 deg 52 min Aqu Merc 18 deg 02 min Vir
Venus 22 deg 36 min Aqu Venus 7 deg 16 min Vir
Mars 25 deg 35 min Can Mars 0 deg 32 min Leo
Jup 26 deg 20 min Gem Jup 1 deg 28 min Sag
Sat 27 deg 49 min Leo Sat 29 deg 16 min Lib
Uran 16 deg 21 min Sco Uran 5 deg 04 min Sag
Nept 17 deg 51 min Sag Nept 26 deg 38 min Sag
Pluto 16 deg 35 min Lib Pluto 27 deg 07 min Lib
Asc. 16 deg 46 min Gem Asc. 8 deg 32 min Sag
MC 21 deg 01 min Aqu MC 3 deg 40 min Lib
2nd 7 deg 51 min Can 2nd 13 deg 28 min Cap
3rd 27 deg 54 min Can 3rd 26 deg 12 min Aqu
5th 21 deg 45 min Vir 5th 0 deg 58 min Tau
6th 3 deg 24 min Sco 6th 21 deg 25 min Tau
SECTION I: How Ashton Relates to Other People
Sagittarius on 7th house cusp
You are bright, verbal, curious and always seem to be restlessly seeking new experiences. Your pleasant, breezy manner does not reveal your private insecurity and inner anxiety about being the type who will try everything and wind up with nothing lasting.
You are strongly attracted to those who seem philosophically at peace with themselves and your relationships usually begin with long, serious discussions about life. The familiar may seem dull to you and you often connect with those of different cultures.
You are so interested in learning and sharing new ideas and experiences that you are irresistibly drawn to those who seem to have a broader philosophical perspective, with whom you can share ideas and put them together into a fresh, meaningful context.
Your partners are well-educated, well-traveled and are drawn to the law, education, philosophy, religion, publishing or some area where they will have the opportunity to disseminate their ideas. They sometimes tend to resist marriage or committed bonds.
Jupiter, Ruler of 7th house, is in 1st:
You are a person of ideas and you love to talk about them. When you find someone who shares your views, you're in heaven. Actually, it may go the other way as well. You are so curious and always pursuing different ideas that you may meet someone whose philosophy inspires you and becomes your cause celebre as well. It would make the relationship extraordinarily binding since you are at least as attracted to intellect as you are to physique. You are kind, enthusiastic and expansive. Even if you are not physically large -- which you well may be -- there is a larger-than-life quality about you. You can absorb enormous amounts of information and still retain the capacity to both perceive and express the broader concepts. If your partner is of a different nationality or culture, that will be a significant basis of your interest and you may absorb the cultural interests and make them your own.
You would travel well together both physically and intellectually. You are a romantic and commitment must come easily and naturally. You are not attracted to possessive people who lay down rules. You feel when a relationship becomes over-defined it loses its genuineness. Your committed relationships must be honest and retain a sense of the voluntary and the free. Fortunately, you are drawn to people who feel as you do.
Neptune in 7th
Your highest ideals are tested through your relationships. Your partners are either extraordinarily talented, spiritually evolved and sensitive or they are dissolute, escapist and irresponsible. Either way, you are required to make some sort of sacrifice.
One reason you may be so obsessive about your relationships is it's the one area of your life that isn't motivated by practical considerations. Even the negative ties help you to connect with the more spiritual side of yourself. You idealize your partners.
Moon Conjunct MC with an orb of less than 1/2 degree
Your emotional needs and interests transcend your immediate domestic environment. You abhor the provincial and aspire to participate in something which will be of benefit to many. This is not mere ambition but a passion. You may attract the public eye.
Pluto Trine Asc. with an orb of less than 1/2 degree
You are not always aware of your own magnetism. Others find you intense and, sometimes, controlling. You have such strong fears of losing relationships that sometimes you imagine that people are turning against you when the opposite is more often true.
Sun Conjunct Moon with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
Detached perspective is not one of your strengths. It is very difficult for you to relate to something from another's point of view. When you were growing up, your mother was the stronger parent and you continue to assume that the woman is dominant.
Moon Conjunct Venus with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
Lucky you. As a child you received a great deal of love leaving you not only with the capacity to love deeply yourself but with the security of knowing that you have value and that there will always be people you can turn to. You form love ties easily.
Venus Conjunct MC with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
Love cannot exist for you without admiration and respect. You like to feel proud of your relationships and often form close ties with those in positions of authority. You are socially conscious and attract friends and good fortune through your personal charm and talent.
Neptune Opposition Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You have a gentle, romantic, dreamy quality and people often find you mysterious or elusive. You have an uncanny facility to communicate with people without speaking and to tune into their innermost thoughts. You connect best with those equally sensitive.
Sun Square Uranus with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You are restless and independent and, no matter how close you become to someone, you always remain your own person and there is a part of yourself you cannot share. You are uncompromisingly true to your convictions which must be shared by those close to you.
Sun Trine Pluto with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You regenerate yourself through periodic transformations of your life situation. Your relationships can only endure if your partners grow and change with you so that you wind up still pointed in the same direction. Otherwise you will leave them behind.
Sun Trine Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You have a strong, confident, expressive personality which inspires confidence in others. You often find yourself in a position of leadership as do your partners who are also dynamic and successful. Your relationships are marked by mutual respect.
Sun Sextile Neptune with an orb of less than 1 degree
One of your great strengths is your sensitivity. You tune in easily to the psyches of other people and, while you may not notice the color of their eyes, have an almost eerie understanding of their private inner worlds. Your close ties are very private.
Sun Conjunct Venus with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
Most people like you. You form relationships easily but may have some difficulty sustaining them. You tend to project your own ego ideals onto your partner, sometimes at the expense of relating to their needs. For you, admiration is a prerequisite for love.
Moon Square Uranus with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
You have an emotional, if not conscious, recollection of early emotional nurturing which was erratic or unpredictable. As an adult, you instinctively set up emotional situations where you have some independent outlet - either other people or work projects.
Uranus Square MC with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
It's never been possible for you to live according to anyone else's timetable. For that reason, you prefer to work for yourself and make your own rules. In order for you to sustain a close, personal tie, you must find someone as independent as you are.
Moon Trine Pluto with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
As a child, you were permitted to explore and uncover strange phenomena which gave you a specific sense of power and control over your world. You carry that inner security into your adulthood and are drawn to people who are strong and self-reliant.
Moon Trine Asc. with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
You are more expressive of what you're feeling than you sometimes realize. People respond to you in a very immediate way because they can intuitively sense what is emotionally motivating you and they feel comfortable. You may attract public attention at times.
Venus Trine Jupiter with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
Yours was an indulged childhood with lots of love and lots of cookies. You have a generous nature both emotionally and materially and people are usually pleased to provide you with the love and creature-comforts you both require and cheerfully give.
Pluto Trine MC with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
Power struggles often enter into your relationships - both personal and professional. You have an innate fear of being dominated owing to your experience with a controlling parent. Strong people fascinate you. You're a little afraid of people you love.
Moon Sextile Neptune with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
You are sensitive and intuitive and have an active inner life only known by those who are very close. You and your close ties like to share a private world no one else can enter and you spend most of your time alone together or with close friends and family.
Venus Sextile Neptune with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
However cool or cynical you may appear to be externally, you are extraordinarily sensitive and romantic. You are gentle and artistic and would rather do without a relationship than be part of one which does not measure up to your highest ideals of love.
Neptune Sextile MC with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
You are guided far more by your spiritual ideals than by more material motivations. While intimate ties are important to you, if the other person didn't share your more cosmic goals, the relationship could not last. Your dreams often become realities.
Venus Quincunx Mars with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
Yours was not a happy childhood and, while there is nothing you want more than a close love relationship, you may also fear it. You probably have an active sex life but may have some discomfort acknowledging feelings of love, dependence or vulnerability.
Moon Opposition Saturn with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You don't have as much self-confidence as you appear to have. You long for love and affection but have never felt, since childhood, that you could have it, simply by being. You feel you have to earn it in some way. You like close ties to need and depend on you.
Venus Opposition Saturn with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
Since you were a child you have felt you could not just be yourself and be loved. You had to earn your love in some way by being or doing something special. You are far more self-protective than most people realize. Your best love partners are also work partners.
Saturn Opposition MC with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You learned at an early age to be cautious with people in a position of authority. This reserve may also extend to personal relationships with those you may admire or respect. Old parenting issues inevitably infiltrate all of your close relationships.
Venus Square Uranus with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You need to be close and you need to be free. This is a major life conflict which has always created complications for you in close personal relationships. One manifestation of this may be a tendency to pursue the unavailable or the unreliable.
Sun Trine Jupiter with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You have a genial, pleasant quality which inspires confidence in others. It sometimes surprises you the way people trust you with their innermost thoughts. Moral integrity is important to you and, while you are not judgmental, you will not violate a principle.
Moon Trine Jupiter with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You are comfortable with yourself. You were well taken care of as a child and it left you with the pleasant security that it would always be so. You exude this quality and people who are considerably less secure feel better just by being in your presence.
Venus Trine Pluto with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of making lasting commitments.
Venus Trine Asc. with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You are personally attractive with a natural charm which tends to draw people to you. Your native courtesy tends to make others assume that you share their values even when this isn't quite the case. You are unusually sensitive to others' appearance.
Jupiter Trine MC with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
When you were little, your teachers liked you and when you grew up, your employers liked you. You tend to approach all relationships both personal and professional with an easy assurance. It is important to you that close ties enjoy society's approval.
Moon does not aspect Mercury
It's as if the emotional and rational sides of your nature take turns expressing themselves. You are either utterly detached and objective about a situation or so emotionally involved you have no perspective. You are not in touch with your feelings.
SECTION II: How Mila Relates to Other People
Gemini on 7th house cusp
Any kind of confinement - mental, physical or emotional - is abhorrent to you. You cannot and will not be emotionally stifled by your partners. Thus, you may often be close to more than one person simultaneously in order to avoid feeling too dependent.
When you make a commitment (and you may do so more than once), your partner must be as intellectually stimulating and curious and restless as you are. Your boredom tolerance is noticeably low. You don't form emotional ties unless there is mental rapport.
Your dreams, ideals and speculations about matters which transcend day-to-day living are so central to your existence that any person you feel close to must be someone with whom you can discuss these ideas since no one else seems to understand them.
Your partners are bright, verbal, curious people who, on the surface may not appear to have a great deal of emotional depth. However, they connect with you intellectually and that tie appears to be the channel through which you can share emotionally.
Mercury, Ruler of 7th house, is in 9th:
Your close relationships are often of a different race, religion or nationality. Yet, there isn't the sense of "other" you may feel with those of more similar backgrounds. While the family circumstances may be superficially different, on a more basic level there are striking parallels. You have always been curious about matters which transcend the mundane: the mystical, the philosophical, the spiritual. You have a strong sense of right and wrong and while it is not necessary for you to impose your morals on others, it is necessary for those morals to be shared by those with whom you are intimate. Even if you were emotionally compatible with someone, if you didn't see eye-to-eye on these issues, you could not form a serious relationship. Or, if you did, it would be a continuing source of stress and conflict. You enjoy traveling and if you don't meet your life partner in school or through a shared interest you are learning about, you might well meet him or her on a trip.
Venus Square Uranus with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You need to be close and you need to be free. This is a major life conflict which has always created complications for you in close personal relationships. One manifestation of this may be a tendency to pursue the unavailable or the unreliable.
Venus Square Asc. with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You are personally attractive with a natural charm which tends to draw people to you. Your native courtesy tends to make others assume that you share their values even when this isn't quite the case. You are unusually sensitive to others' appearance.
Mars Square Saturn with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up and there was nothing you could do about it. Even today, you tend not to express anger or pain or resentment except when you are in an infrequent rage. This is a problem in close relationships.
Uranus Conjunct Asc. with an orb between 3 and 5 degrees
You are an unusual person and are often perceived as "ahead of your time" in some way. Friendship is very important to you - especially in your love affairs. You don't like relationships which are overly defined or confining. You must feel free to love.
Moon Sextile Venus with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
Lucky you. As a child you received a great deal of love leaving you not only with the capacity to love deeply yourself but with the security of knowing that you have value and that there will always be people you can turn to. You form love ties easily.
Mars Sextile MC with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
Power is sexy to you and even when a relationship is not a romantic one, you find ambitious go-getters in positions of authority very magnetic and fascinating. It is important to you that close ties not only share your goals but are prepared to fight for them.
Jupiter Sextile MC with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
When you were little, your teachers liked you and when you grew up, your employers liked you. You tend to approach all relationships both personal and professional with an easy assurance. It is important to you that close ties enjoy society's approval.
Uranus Sextile MC with an orb between 1 and 5 degrees
It's never been possible for you to live according to anyone else's timetable. For that reason, you prefer to work for yourself and make your own rules. In order for you to sustain a close, personal tie, you must find someone as independent as you are.
Mercury Quintile Jupiter with an orb between 1 and 3 degrees
You have a quality people trust and you are often sought after as a confidante or an advisor. You have high moral and ethical standards and it is imperative that anyone you're close to is a person of the highest integrity. You prefer well-educated people.
Jupiter Conjunct Asc. with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
There is a quality about you people tend to trust. They confide in you and generally feel better in your presence which has a kind of healing quality. Sometimes you tend to draw close relationships who originally came to see you for some sort of help or guidance.
Venus Square Jupiter with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You may be overly self-indulgent and inclined toward excesses of eating, drinking, sex or anything which gives you pleasure. You would not be comfortable with someone who was too reserved. You can be quite extravagant both emotionally and financially.
Neptune Square MC with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You are guided far more by your spiritual ideals than by more material motivations. While intimate ties are important to you, if the other person didn't share your more cosmic goals, the relationship could not last. Your dreams often become realities.
Sun Trine Neptune with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
One of your great strengths is your sensitivity. You tune in easily to the psyches of other people and, while you may not notice the color of their eyes, have an almost eerie understanding of their private inner worlds. Your close ties are very private.
Mars Trine Asc. with an orb between 5 and 8 degrees
You have a tremendous amount of energy and, in a relationship, are happiest when you and your partner are actively participating in something together. You tend to be quite competitive and can even be somewhat combative. You should always avoid the timid.
Moon Conjunct Saturn with an orb between 8 and 10 degrees
You don't have as much self-confidence as you appear to have. You long for love and affection but have never felt, since childhood, that you could have it, simply by being. You feel you have to earn it in some way. You like close ties to need and depend on you.
Sun does not aspect Moon
Your parents' interests and emotional natures, while not in violent conflict, were so different it was hard to understand how they ever came together. You associate close relationships with both longing and loneliness and may be unclear about roles.
Sun does not aspect Asc.
People do not receive an accurate first impression of you. Owing to shyness or lack of confidence, you have cultivated a persona which is not expressive of the person you experience yourself to be. This creates complications in personal relationships.
Moon does not aspect Mercury
It's as if the emotional and rational sides of your nature take turns expressing themselves. You are either utterly detached and objective about a situation or so emotionally involved you have no perspective. You are not in touch with your feelings.
SECTION III: The Relationship from Ashton's Point of View
Ashton, the following information explains how you view your relationship with Mila, and explores some of the major issues that arise.
Your Moon Oppos Mila's Sun (orb < 1 deg)
The power of Mila's personality always affects you emotionally. Usually there's a comfortable sense of being close and in tune, but sometimes you feel somewhat overwhelmed and wish Mila was as sensitive to your needs as you instinctively are to Mila's ego.
Your MC Oppos Mila's Sun (orb < 1 deg)
Mila's ego and dynamic energy connect with you in a very personal way. You have no particular need to put anyone on a pedestal. Mila may assist you in some way with your career goals without playing a role in defining those directions.
Your Mercury Sextile Mila's Uranus (orb < 1 deg)
You find Mila's ideas interesting and unusual. They stimulate you to express your own in a way you wouldn't with someone else. Mila is attracted by the less conventional aspects of your nature and encourages you to express your individuality and uniqueness.
Your Sun Quincunx Mila's Mercury (orb < 1 deg)
Sometimes it seems to you that when Mila is speaking, it is not with a clear perception of who you are or what you believe to be true. This may make you a little uncomfortable. Watch a tendency to be a little overbearing.
Your Mars Conj Mila's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)
You operate on a similar wave length and would do well both working together and playing together. Your physical energy complements Mila's and you tend to have ups and downs at the same time which bodes well for sexual harmony and mutual cooperation.
Your Sun Oppos Mila's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)
You are very different types of people. At times this can be most attractive - at least in the initial stages of the relationship. This relationship requires special sensitivity and a greater attempt at empathy if misunderstandings are to be avoided.
Your Mercury Oppos Mila's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)
While you may often enjoy Mila's energy, at times it irritates you and you are not at all shy about expressing your irritation. You don't like the way Mila tries to rush you or to overrun your ideas -- particularly when it's done aggressively. You fight a lot.
Your Venus Oppos Mila's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)
The strong bond of love and affection between you will transcend the most difficult times. You love being physically together. Mila makes you feel loved and valued, stimulates your creative energy and shares your values. You have fun together.
Your Mars Square Mila's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)
On one level Mila fascinates you and motivates you to be the best that you can be. On another, there is something about Mila which pressures you somehow and can lead to resentment. If this is not dealt with openly, it can inhibit sexual responsiveness.
Your Mars Square Mila's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)
Your connection is intensely erotic and compulsive. Mila's personal magnetism both intrigues you and stimulates you to be at your productive best. Your energy may initiate major transforming changes in Mila whose charisma empowers you.
Your Asc. Square Mila's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
There is something about your persona which gives Mila a sense that you would be a good person to talk to because you relate well to others' ideas. This is true. The intellectual tie between you transcends disagreements and creates understandings.
Your Mercury Trine Mila's MC (orb 1-5 deg)
This would be a very good working relationship. You connect very strongly with Mila's goals and ambitions and can, through your communication skills, work together to attain them. Mila respects your intelligence and opinions and will frequently defer to your judgment.
Your Venus Trine Mila's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)
Mila holds a special fascination for you. The bond between you might be somewhat obsessive. Mila often exerts an influence over you others may find difficult to understand. This relationship can transform the way you love and relate the rest of your life.
Your Mercury Sextile Mila's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)
The two of you talk easily. Mila enables you both to expand your ideas and to express them. If anything, Mila tends to trigger so much enthusiasm in you, sometimes you say more than you should. You trust Mila's intelligence and guidance.
Your Mercury Sextile Mila's Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)
Sharing ideas is a very important element of your relationship. From the beginning, you sensed Mila was someone you could talk to, who would understand you and, even when you disagreed, would provide a good sounding board for pet theories or business schemes.
Your Venus Sextile Mila's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)
There is an almost mystical quality about your relationship that is really quite lovely. That Shangri-la view you share of love and life emerges while enjoying music, sipping a glass of wine or just being close. Together you can create a mysterious ambience.
Your Asc. Sextile Mila's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)
This is a natural partnership. Mila has a type of dynamic energy you admire but can't play out yourself. When you are together, this imbalance is corrected and you feel more whole and vital. You understand Mila and enjoy giving center stage.
Your Moon Quincunx Mila's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
You often come away from discussions with Mila feeling kind of irritated. You've made your point and Mila replied but somehow there's been no connection. The logic is there but not the understanding. You probably shouldn't work together.
Your Mercury Quincunx Mila's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)
There is something about Mila's personal style and taste and way of expressing affection which doesn't comfortably merge with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren't quite in sync.
Your Venus Quincunx Mila's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
Communication and shared intellectual interests are an important part of your relationship but sometimes Mila's way of speaking or writing rubs you the wrong way. It's not exactly what is being said, but the way it's being said that may tend to bother you.
Your Sun does not aspect Mila's Moon
While you may communicate very well on a rational level, sometimes you may feel as if Mila doesn't really understand you. You may find Mila's emotional responses incomprehensible as well. You have to make a special effort to share and connect.
Your Moon does not aspect Mila's Moon
While you may like and respect each other and understand each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable with each other. You may, at times, find each other's moods or responses puzzling.
Your Mercury does not aspect Mila's Mercury
You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord, there are times you seriously question if you see the same world since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict, they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or pleasurable.
Your Venus does not aspect Mila's Venus
While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like the same people and have different interests. You wish Mila dressed differently.
Mila's Sun in your 4th house:
Your relationship has always enjoyed a special intimacy. Even if the external details of your backgrounds and personal histories have been quite different, there is nevertheless a strong sense of shared experience and having a great deal in common.
You could live together quite comfortably. There is something about Mila which, consciously or unconsciously, causes certain issues you had with your father to resurface. The true basis of your bond is private and not apparent to the casual observer.
Mila's Moon in your 6th house:
When it comes to working together, you are a good team. Mila is very sensitive to your moods and to the way you like things done. Even if you are not actually in a position of authority, Mila is helpful to you and assists you in your efforts.
It's important that you don't take advantage of this sensitivity. If you are not as in tune to Mila as Mila is to you, you may unconsciously pick up an unspoken resentment which would make you feel almost ill when you are together.
Mila's Mercury in your 4th house:
Mila will, at some time have a strong effect upon your living situation. This may take the form of helping you to find a house or an apartment or giving you excellent advice when you are making an important move. You value these ideas and suggestions.
Your home may be a meeting place for those who share your interests. Mila loves to stay at home with you and have long talks into the night. You also spend a lot of time talking together on the telephone, giving each other advice and sharing confidences.
Mila's Venus in your 4th house:
During the early stages of your relationship, you enjoyed having Mila in your home and Mila enjoyed being there. Even if yours is a working relationship, it benefits from a more personal association. You're happy with each other and could live together.
The special intimacy which marks your relationship brings back the best and warmest aspects of your home life when you were a child. Mila seems to be drawn to a quality you may not reveal to many people and even helps you to develop this hidden quality.
Mila's Mars in your 3rd house:
Something about Mila's style of expression really makes you sit up straight. Whether it's something that is said or even something in writing, the point is made with a directness at times so startling you're not always sure how to respond.
Occasionally, Mila can be disruptive of your normal routine. These changes can be productive, although at first you might feel irritated by them. There might not always be harmony with the people in your daily world which can create tension. Does Mila like to quarrel?
Mila's Jupiter in your 6th house:
Mila is definitely someone who makes your life easier. You work wonderfully together. Mila helps you to do what you know you want, expands on your ideas and helps you to accomplish by being generous with time and knowledge.
Mila has a beneficial effect not only upon your work but on your physical and mental health. Your mood and sense of well-being vastly improves in Mila's presence. You may have similar good health practices which you encourage in each other.
Mila's Saturn in your 5th house:
This may be one of the most important love relationships of your life. But somehow, no matter what Mila does, it isn't enough. You don't feel sufficiently nurtured. This brings back old memories of insufficient nurturing you received as a child.
On the other hand, Mila requires a great deal of nurturing and understanding. You may actually feel a responsibility to defer to Mila's emotional needs at the expense of your own. This often puts limits on your creativity. Children might be a problem.
Mila's Uranus in your 6th house:
If you work together, don't expect Mila to keep regular hours or work in predictable ways. The job will get done but it will be in Mila's time and in Mila way. The work you do together might be unusual or represent new age thinking.
If you need Mila to carry out some responsibility, you'll have better luck with it if you don't try to over-control the situation. Mila can affect your mood in odd ways and cause you to feel restless and temperamental.
Mila's Neptune in your 7th house:
If there is one thing this relationship does not have, it is clarity. While you can't help responding to a romantic, dreamy quality you have always sensed in Mila, you are not always sure where the relationship is going or where Mila wants it to go.
Make sure you really hear what you think you're hearing. While it's true there might be a certain amount of deception here, it is equally true there might be a certain amount of illusion arising from wishful thinking or the simple misreading of signals.
Mila's Pluto in your 5th house:
This can be a very volatile relationship. Mila may stir up passions and needs you didn't even know were there. Yes, these could be sexual or love needs but they could also be needs to have a child, take an enormous risk or to create something marvelous.
The turbulent feelings Mila arouses in you might well lead you to channel these energies into a creative project in which you are quite spectacularly creative. You will always associate this surge of productivity with Mila. The outcome is a kind of love-child.
SECTION IV: The Relationship from Mila's Point of View
Mila, the following information explains how you view your relationship with Ashton, and explores some of the major issues that arise.
Your Sun Oppos Ashton's Moon (orb < 1 deg)
You enjoy a wonderful sense of being seen and understood. This is a very strong common bond. Your very presence has a strong effect upon Ashton's emotions. There is a good balance between the masculine and feminine qualities in each of you.
Your Sun Oppos Ashton's MC (orb < 1 deg)
You may have initially been more influenced by Ashton's public image than more intimate persona. Ashton appears to admire you greatly and you respond to that by taking a great interest in the goals and ambitions to which both of you aspire.
Your Mercury Square Ashton's Neptune (orb < 1 deg)
Do you really understand Ashton's dreams and ideals? Perhaps not. Perhaps Ashton senses that you would consider them unrealistic or impractical and doesn't always share private feelings or thoughts with you. You may sometimes find Ashton mysterious.
Your Mercury Quincunx Ashton's Sun (orb < 1 deg)
You may occasionally be a little intimidated by Ashton or feel your ideas and opinions are either misunderstood or not being taken seriously. Even while you're defending your views, Ashton has a way of making you feel privately insecure about your position.
Your Mars Conj Ashton's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)
You operate on a similar wave length and would do well both working together and playing together. Your physical energy complements Ashton's and you tend to have ups and downs at the same time which bodes well for sexual harmony and mutual cooperation.
Your Sun Oppos Ashton's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)
You are very different types of people. At times this can be most attractive - at least in the initial stages of the relationship. This relationship requires special sensitivity and a greater attempt at empathy if misunderstandings are to be avoided.
Your Sun Oppos Ashton's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)
You feel Ashton's admiration and love and respond in kind. There is something about the way Ashton looks at you which makes you feel not only more confident and attractive but capable of achieving more. You admire Ashton's personal style, charm and talent.
Your Mars Oppos Ashton's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
Your impatience or bossiness cuts no ice whatsoever with Ashton who will state personal opinions quite clearly and do whatever has to be done when and if the mood -- not you -- dictates. This may make for some lively moments between you which, on some level, you enjoy.
Your Sun Square Ashton's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)
You were attracted from the very first meeting. You felt, on one hand, that you completely understood Ashton and, on the other, that you never knew what to expect next. You admire Ashton's originality. It taps into a uniqueness of your own.
Your Moon Square Ashton's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
You often come away from discussions with Ashton feeling kind of irritated. You've made your point and Ashton replied but somehow there's been no connection. The logic is there but not the understanding. You probably shouldn't work together.
Your Mercury Square Ashton's Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)
Sharing ideas is a very important element of your relationship. From the beginning, you sensed Ashton was someone you could talk to, who would understand you and, even when you disagreed, would provide a good sounding board for pet theories or business schemes.
Your Sun Trine Ashton's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)
You both sense and share each other's dreams. There is a lovely sense of understanding without explanation things no one else ever understood without explanation. You are very much in tune with one another. Ashton is extremely kind and sensitive to you.
Your MC Trine Ashton's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
You really admire Ashton's intelligence and way of speaking. There is something about it that you respect. It vibrates with a certain authority for you and you will defer to it. Ashton enjoys sharing new ideas with you. You would work well together.
Your Sun Sextile Ashton's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)
Ashton exerts an odd influence over you which enables you to get in touch with your own deepest needs and strengths. You find Ashton fascinating and almost enjoy the sense of being manipulated which is certainly not true of your relationship with others.
Your Sun Sextile Ashton's Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)
There was always something about Ashton with which you could strongly identify, an outward personification of some deeply felt sense you have of yourself. There was a strong, enduring attraction and compatibility from the start.
Your Mercury Sextile Ashton's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)
You find Ashton's ideas interesting and unusual. They stimulate you to express your own in a way you wouldn't with someone else. Ashton is attracted by the less conventional aspects of your nature and encourages you to express your individuality and uniqueness.
Your Asc. Sextile Ashton's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
There is something about your persona which gives Ashton a sense that you would be a good person to talk to because you relate well to others' ideas. This is true. The intellectual tie between you transcends disagreements and creates understandings.
Your Moon Sesqu. Ashton's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)
There is something about Ashton's basic philosophy or world view which throws you somewhat off-center emotionally. You may often find yourself caught up by Ashton's enthusiasm or going along with things which are not truly representative of your own feelings.
Your Mars Sesqu. Ashton's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)
No matter how long or how well you may know Ashton, there is an elusive quality which continues to fascinate. While you are stimulated by Ashton's idealism, you may also be frustrated by what feels like excessive secrecy. Your aggressive curiosity gets you nowhere.
Your Mercury Quincunx Ashton's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)
There is something about Ashton's personal style and taste and way of expressing affection which doesn't comfortably merge with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren't quite in sync.
Your Venus Quincunx Ashton's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)
Communication and shared intellectual interests are an important part of your relationship but sometimes Ashton's way of speaking or writing rubs you the wrong way. It's not exactly what is being said, but the way it's being said that may tend to bother you.
Your Moon does not aspect Ashton's Moon
While you may like and respect each other and understand each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable with each other. You may, at times, find each other's moods or responses puzzling.
Your Mercury does not aspect Ashton's Mercury
You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord, there are times you seriously question if you see the same world since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict, they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or pleasurable.
Your Venus does not aspect Ashton's Venus
While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like the same people and have different interests. You wish Ashton dressed differently.
Ashton's Sun in your 2nd house:
You are oddly possessive of Ashton and have a special need to be reassured that you are needed and that your emotional tie is secure. Shared values are an important aspect of your relationship. In addition, Ashton has a special appreciation of your talent.
On a more material level, this could be a very good relationship as Ashton could have a strong positive effect upon your financial status and might also be quite generous with gifts - possibly in an attempt to have more leverage over you and your resources.
Ashton's Moon in your 2nd house:
Ashton has always related intuitively to your creative and material resources and has had a remarkable effect upon the development of those resources as well as your financial status. Ashton also has a knack for selecting the perfect gift.
Your relationship may be so intense that you have become quite possessive and may tend to lavish gifts and money upon Ashton as a means of manipulation in order to foster a need which mirrors your own. Ashton makes you feel vulnerable.
Ashton's Mercury in your 2nd house:
You really should consult Ashton about business matters. Here is someone who takes an interest in your financial problems and could give you excellent advice about managing your money. This interest may be self serving. Is Ashton a bit too interested in your finances?
You may find yourself oddly possessive of some of this advice and resentful of anyone else who might benefit from it as well. Make sure you don't betray a trust or claim Ashton's ideas as your own for your own financial benefit. Stick to the plan you both agreed on.
Ashton's Venus in your 2nd house:
The genuine love and affection Ashton feels for you encourages you to develop your talents and resources to a point where your financial situation will increase significantly. You, in turn, admire Ashton's creativity and may contribute to its development.
The two of you are fond of exchanging gifts. Ashton has given you some beautiful and, perhaps, costly things which you treasure. You not only reciprocate, you also exchange gifts of deeply personal significance which are expressive of your warm affection.
Ashton's Mars in your 8th house:
There is something about Ashton's sexual energy which causes you to feel either uneasy or irresistibly attracted - or both. If such intimacy is not appropriate to this situation, the energy might manifest as subtle domination or not-so-subtle manipulation.
This could be a very rewarding business or financial tie. Ashton's energy and drive which, at times, stimulates your own competitiveness and controlling needs, motivates you to take decisive action which can make money for you both. Ashton depends on you.
Ashton's Jupiter in your 7th house:
Even if circumstances puts one of you in a subordinate position, Ashton's manner and behavior will equalize the relationship. You are, at the very least, wonderful friends who share many philosophies and views. Ashton also encourages you with other people.
This could be a wonderful partnership - either personal or professional You totally trust each other. Sometimes you can get a bit carried away by Ashton's enthusiasms and be influenced to take a path you ordinarily wouldn't. Still, this relationship has a lot to offer.
Ashton's Saturn in your 9th house:
This person isn't going to let you get away with anything, that's for sure. Ashton has very high standards and the success of this relationship will depend, in part, on the way you both maintain them. Ashton may hold stricter or more traditional moral views.
Your relationship may place certain restrictions upon you with regard to travel. Matters relating to education, philosophy, publications or spiritual matters will be a serious concern of both of you and may require some sacrifice or hard work.
Ashton's Uranus in your 11th house:
Your connection with Ashton may lead to a marked change in your social life. Your more conservative friends may fade out of the picture. They will be replaced by innovative, original people who hold unconventional views. Your first meeting may be unusual in some way.
Your relationship has a startling effect upon your goals which may outlive the relationship itself. It's as though Ashton enters your life, shakes it up a bit, and departs. If Ashton stays, continue to expect lots of surprises. You definitely won't get bored.
Ashton's Neptune in your 1st house:
There's something about the way Ashton often romanticizes you that you can't help responding to. Somehow it gives you a special insight into Ashton's dreams and fantasies which connects with your dreams and fantasies. You start to like yourself better.
Sometimes you find the relationship baffling. Even if Ashton is not being consciously deceptive, you often find some behavior difficult to comprehend. What does Ashton want from you? What does Ashton want from your relationship? Do you know?
Ashton's Pluto in your 10th house:
Your life was at a cross-roads when you met. You were at a point when you were considering transforming changes in life direction. Then Ashton came along and everything was set in motion. It's still unclear if Ashton actually influenced you or was merely a catalyst.
Whatever position of authority you normally hold, when you're with Ashton, the seat of power is clear. And you're not sitting in it. Ashton's influence over you can be quite astonishing. At times you almost appear to be irresistibly under a magical spell.

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