Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekly Sun Scope Horoscope for Week of November 23

General for Week Commencing: Monday 24 November 2014

   Aries Monday 24 November 2014  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Despite the fact that Mars' last full week in your career sector is creating a sense of professional urgency, you're not going to get away with keeping your professional hat on 24/7. Yes, there's a need to embrace the professional passions and fighting spirit Mars is evoking, but with plenty of support during December and January bringing this professional year home and lining up for your 2015 professional year is well supported. Even if you wanted to, in a week that is dominated by an alignment between Venus and Ceres the sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure this will evoke can't be ignored. With their alignment, the first between the two goddesses of the solar system in an adventurous part of your chart since 2009, peaking midweek, this will infect the whole week.
   Taurus Monday 24 November 2014  Apr 20 - May 20
What you have on your hands is an important week for both relationship and financial matters, but where there shouldn't be any competition between the two. Until he leaves your relationship sector on Friday Mercury, planet of communication is committed to ensuring the communication lines are open, at a time when committing to your relationships and the journey ahead is a must. Yet by the time Mercury shifts your mental focus onto your money game you should have already gained a new sense of financial confidence. You'll move into the new week with the Moon still in your financial sector after the weekend's New Moon, but it's what transpires over the course of the week that will fill you with a new sense of confidence and resolve. This is more about what's possible than anything tangible.
   Gemini Monday 24 November 2014  May 21 - Jun 21
It's not just that things are coming together on the relationship front that makes this an auspicious week for friendship and relationship building, but the support stepping in from other areas of the cosmos. You'll move into the new week with the Moon still in your relationship sector after the weekend's New Moon, creating an opportunity for a fresh start. However, it's an alignment between Venus and Ceres that will see the two goddesses of the solar system align in your relationship sector for the first time since 2009, giving you a chance to get a much deeper sense of what you want and need from your relationships. In what is also an important week for work and financial matters, working smarter and the right time management is essential, especially with the professional tide turning.
   Cancer Monday 24 November 2014  Jun 22 - Jul 22
In a week where things start to come together professionally you'll need to have your work hat on from the get go. With the weekend's New Moon in your work sector still in effect, Monday creates an opportunity to draw a new line in the sand. Yet it's during the course of the week that something special will develop and it's all to do with an alignment between Venus and Ceres, the two goddesses of the solar system midweek. It's not just that their first alignment here since 2009 will give you a much better sense of what you want and need on the work front but that it happens when both are at an extremely auspicious aspect to Uranus in your career sector that makes you believe anything is possible. Yet playful and adventurous forces are making sure life doesn't become all work and no play.
   Leo Monday 24 November 2014  Jul 23 - Aug 22
You have two powerful energy systems in operation that by rights shouldn't belong together, yet each needs to be accommodating the other. With Mars not only spending his last full week in your work sector but the Moon returning on Tuesday to help get to the heart of what you're fighting for and at the same time fuelling your drives, passions, fighting and competitive spirit, this is going to be an impassioned and busy week on the work front. Yet the other force in play is not only a magical line up of forces in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, but their alliance with adventurous forces that will make it impossible to let life become all work and no play. Don't dismiss this as something that will pass, with the future holding opportunities on all fronts.
   Virgo Monday 24 November 2014  Aug 23 - Sep 22
Moving into the new week with the Moon not only in your home and family sector but the New Moon this created over the weekend still in effect, was always going to make this a week where home and family matters would be at the forefront, but there is something game changing developing behind the scenes. While the Sun will always throw the solar spotlight on home and family matters at this time of year an alignment between Venus and Ceres midweek is the first here since 2009, allowing you to get right to the heart of your needs, desires and priorities. At the same time the Moon's return to your work sector on Thursday should be a welcome chance to get your bearings, yet is likely to reveal that you're just a week away from your professional year exploding back into life.
   Libra Monday 24 November 2014  Sep 23 - Oct 23
There will be times when opportunities arise that we gratefully deserve and there are other times when, because of what has transpired before this seems like a gift from the gods, one that is both truly deserved and much appreciated. That's the case this week, with a set of coincidences creating one of the best weeks of not just this year, but many years for communication and relationship matters and especially where they come together. I can think of no sign that deserves this more after the roller coaster ride you've been on. Things are looking good when moving into the new week with the Moon still in your communication sector after the weekend's New Moon you've got the support for a fresh start. Over the course of the week things become even more communication and relationship friendly.
   Scorpio Monday 24 November 2014  Oct 24 - Nov 21
At this point in the year and for the majority of the next 12 months there isn't any week that isn't going to be good for income, work and career matters, but this week really is exceptional. It's not just that you'll move into the new week with the Moon still in your income sector after the weekend's New Moon or a very rare and special alignment between Venus and Ceres here midweek that creates something truly auspicious. This is the first time that Venus and Ceres, the two goddesses of the solar system, have aligned in your income sector since 2009 and coming just days after a New Moon will get right to the heart of what's possible. What makes this even more auspicious is that it comes when, on both the income and work fronts the laws of attraction and synchronicity are in effect.
   Sagittarius Monday 24 November 2014  Nov 22 - Dec 21
It's heart and mind on the same page and all things personal that get a massive boost this week, with the first week of your birthday month and new solar year suggesting that this will be anything but another run around the block. The Sun only returned to Sagittarius over the weekend but the Moon's return just hours later means that by the time you move into the new week you've already had the New Moon that calls for a commitment to the future and the journey ahead. As you move into the new week you really do have a need to draw a new line in the sand, for instead of just the start of another week, this is when your future begins. An alignment between Venus and Ceres, the two goddesses of the solar, will get right to the heart of what you want and need from this new solar year.
   Capricorn Monday 24 November 2014  Dec 22 - Jan 19
While the month long wind down of your current solar year began in the weekend, with a New Moon in the first 24 hours having already declared that it's time to look to the future and with Mars spending his last full week in your sign, this brings both together. This creates a week where you've already got one foot in the future and now you've also got one foot in the past, a situation that is not only in effect this week but is set to remain your reality for much of the next 3 years, as a major review phase begins, but life continues to go on. Rather than feeling stuck in the past or frustrated that it's time to move on, this gives you an incredible advantage, one where you're just as aware of where you've been as you are of where you're going, which is where the real power comes from.
   Aquarius Monday 24 November 2014  Jan 20 - Feb 18
Despite the fact that Mercury's final days in your career sector require you to keep your head in the game and his departure on Friday marks the point where the professional gods begin in earnest, the job of bringing this professional year home and putting your professional game on the path it will continue on, keeping your professional hat on 24/7 won't be an option. Where you have reached some of the most powerful and important weeks of your professional year, you've already reached an important week for social matters and for personal and professional networking, something that will gain even more importance as the week progresses. At the same time there'll be times when it will feel like you're running on empty, needing time to slow down and recharge your batteries.
   Pisces Monday 24 November 2014  Feb 19 - Mar 20
While the Sun's return to your career sector over the weekend makes it very normal for the solar spotlight to fall on your professional game and for there to be a lot of focus on professional matters, but what is set to transpire this week is over and above the norm. By the time you move into the new week the Sun, here for less than 48 hours by this point, will have already aligned with the Moon to form a New Moon, something that is still underway as you move into the new week. During the course of the week you'll have a chance to get right to the heart of your professional desires and priorities, at the same point that the laws of attraction and synchronicity will come into effect on the income and career fronts. All this in what is a good week for personal and professional networking.

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