Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 14 2015 Weekly Sun Scopes Astrology Horoscopes Live by the Sun

General for Week Commencing: Monday 15 June 2015

   Aries Monday 15 June 2015  Mar 21 - Apr 19
A cosmic shift this week is set to have a domino effect across the board, changing the shape of the rest of the year. It's Saturn's return to your financial sector on Monday that on one hand will see an old sense of resolve kick back in, with a chance to take control of money matters and your financial game, as you begin a major 3 month period for financial housekeeping. Yet the biggest impact will be less on where Saturn is going and more on what this will bring an end to, which is both the mental pressure and communication issues of recent months and the timing couldn't be better. A line up of planets in your communication sector will not only be pleased when Saturn moves out of opposition, but will rely around Wednesday's New Moon, seeing this as a chance for a fresh start.
   Taurus Monday 15 June 2015  Apr 20 - May 20
While there could be a flare up of financial tension during Saturn's final hours in your financial sector on Monday, this will burn out before it begins, revealing an opportune week for income matters. Saturn's departure from your financial sector and return to your relationship sector on Monday is set to have big implications, especially on the relationship and income fronts. This takes the pressure off income forces just in time for Wednesday's New Moon in your income sector, coming just as the money gods have assembled to make one last assault on any glass ceilings. Anticipating more pressure from Saturn, the fact that he removes himself from the game will see any roadblocks suddenly vanish. Meanwhile this begins a major 3 month relationship housekeeping period.
   Gemini Monday 15 June 2015  May 21 - Jun 21
Saturn's departure from your relationship sector on Monday will have implications across the board, with the biggest effect not on the relationship front where he's leaving or on the work front where he's returning, but personally. Throughout your birthday month and since the planets first started returning to your sign in April they have had to face an opposition with Saturn in your relationship sector, for the first time in 28 years. Yet the hard task master of the cosmos will get out of the way just in time for the last full week of your birthday month and just 2 days before Wednesday's New Moon brings a chance to commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead. This will put relationship matters on hold, with a chance to revisit work matters that had been put on hold.
   Cancer Monday 15 June 2015  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Just as you reach the last full week of your old solar year, with Wednesday's New Moon bringing you to a point where it's now less about closing old doors and more about lining up for the new doors due to open next week, the Fun Police show up. Between October 2012 and December 2014 you had Saturn in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, making sure that no matter how busy life got that following your heart remained a priority. However since Saturn left on Christmas Eve the Fun Police have been taking a break, just as his return to your work sector saw him team up with career and income forces. Almost 6 months into the year and chances are all those good intentions of maintaining a balance between work and play are likely to have been lost.
   Leo Monday 15 June 2015  Jul 23 - Aug 22
While Wednesday's New Moon makes this a week for new beginnings, it's also a week where the past draws your attention. The biggest event this week is Saturn's departure from a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart, where since Christmas Eve he's been acting as the Fun Police. Retrograding back out Saturn will leaves this for you to police, while he turns his focus back onto home and family matters, where a lot of your focus on the past will come from. At the same time Neptune's first full week in retrograde motion in your financial sector will also see your financial focus shift to the past, with the doors opening to the past, second chances and 20/20 hindsight on both the home and financial fronts. On the social and personal fronts all eyes are on the future.
   Virgo Monday 15 June 2015  Aug 23 - Sep 22
The Sun and Mars' last full week in your career sector was always going to make this a professionally focused week and thanks to Mercury's direct turn late last week the handbrake is finally off and the timing couldn't be better. It's the Moon's return to your career sector on Monday and the New Moon this creates midweek that will give your professional year the push it needs, but it's an event on Monday that is destined to make this more successful than it might have been. For on Monday Saturn will retrograde back out of your home and family sector, putting the work/life balance issues of recent months on hold, but at the same time getting out of the way of professionally forces, just as things gain traction. Relationship and communication matters get a real boost this week.
   Libra Monday 15 June 2015  Sep 23 - Oct 23
It's hard to say who gets the better deal, whether it's Saturn having Neptune in retrograde motion in your work sector as he retrogrades back into your income sector on Monday or it's work matters, with Saturn opening the door to second chances on the income front during the first full week where the doors are open to second chances on the work front. What is in no doubt is that they'll both benefit and especially when the Sun and Mars return to your career sector next week. In the meantime this makes the adventurous forces in play in the lead up to Wednesday's New Moon even more important to buy into, for with income, work and career forces coming together there's a need to embrace a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure while you can, making up for lost time.
   Scorpio Monday 15 June 2015  Oct 24 - Nov 21
Saturn's departure from your income sector on Monday will put his campaign of the last 6 months on hold, but at the same time this is going to give both work and career matters the green light, with nothing holding things back. This puts a new sense of urgency onto money matters, with Saturn's departure from your income sector taking the pressure off financial forces, just as the Sun and Mars are spending their last full week in your financial sector and as Wednesday's New Moon brings an opportunity for a fresh start and to draw a new line in the sand. Income matters are in the safe hands of the professional gods, allowing you and the money gods to focus on money matters, during the last full week of your annual financial review, while at the same time benefiting from past wakeup calls.
   Sagittarius Monday 15 June 2015  Nov 22 - Dec 21
The timing of Saturn's departure from your sign on Monday couldn't be better, especially for your relationships. Having returned on Christmas Eve to lay down the foundations for a new 30 year chapter and over the coming years will help you take your power back, Saturn puts that on hold and will start again front scratch in September. In the meantime this takes the pressure off your relationships, with the personal and/or relationship tensions of recent months easing right back, in time for Wednesday's New Moon. With the Sun and Mars both in their last full week in your relationship sector and Mercury now in direct motion you've got a clear sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, ready to commit to your relationships, the future and the journey ahead.
   Capricorn Monday 15 June 2015  Dec 22 - Jan 19
With the Moon leaving a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart in the early hours of the week it's more a case of holding onto what was triggered over the weekend, as you move into a week where everything is coming together on the work front. With the Sun and Mars in their last full week in your work sector and Mercury in his first full week in direct motion this was always going to be a time for moving on and starting the process of tying up loose ends, with Wednesday's New Moon simply speeding this process up. Yet it was the weekend's playful lunar vibes and Saturn's return to your friendship sector on Monday that reminds you life can't be all work and no play. In the meantime there's a new sense of financial confidence setting in, even if you can't explain why.
   Aquarius Monday 15 June 2015  Jan 20 - Feb 18
If it wasn't for one event this would be a week where personal matters come first, with a New Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on Wednesday, just as the Sun and Mars' last full week brings a new sense of urgency. On Wednesday a special 11 day alliance between communication and relationship forces will also begin, guiding you into some of the most auspicious relationship conditions of the year. That one event that stands in the way of your personal life getting your full attention is Saturn's return to your career sector on Monday and with Neptune spending his first full week in direct motion in your income sector and the Sun and Mars returning to your work sector next week, this is a game changing. Smart time management is essential.
   Pisces Monday 15 June 2015  Feb 19 - Mar 20
The focus is firmly on home and family matters this week and for once that doesn't mean work/life balance issues will be coming to a head or that you'll lose your professional edge. The last few months have been dominated by a series of oppositions between the planets moving through home and family sector, which they do at this time every year, moving into opposition with Saturn in your career sector, for the first time in 28 years. It's Saturn's departure from your career sector on Monday, just as the Sun and Mars spend their last full week in your home and family sector and in time for Wednesday's New Moon, that allows you to cement things on the home front. This won't be at the expense of your professional game, with work and income forces coming together to keep the momentum going.

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