Aries |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Mar 21 - Apr 19 |
With such strong relationships being
forged between the planets when the Sun and Mars both move signs this
will not only impact the area of your chart they're leaving or will
return to, but will have a bigger ripple effect. While having done a lot
to ensure the communication lines are open, especially on the
relationship front, the Sun's departure from your communication sector
on Monday and Mars' on Thursday will leave both your relationships and
communications in safe hands, with the journey continuing. Yet their
return to your home and family sector is set to have bigger implications
than just bringing home and family matters into the spotlight, boding
well for financial matters on the home front. Meanwhile, matters of the
heart get a major boost this week. |
Taurus |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Apr 20 - May 20 |
While you've reached an important
week for income, work and career matters, with the Sun's departure from
your income sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday bringing you to a
point where it's now more about tying up loose ends, it's a visit from
the Moon that is the dark horse. That visit is to a fun, playful,
romantic and creatively charged part of your chart in the early days of
the week, a visit that because it comes when there are so many bigger
things going on, such as work, home, family, money and relationship
matters, could fly under the radar. On face value this is the visit the
Moon makes each month, temporarily giving matters of the heart a voice.
Yet as the last visit before next month's developments there's a need to
pay attention to your heart's emotional responses. |
Gemini |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
May 21 - Jun 21 |
While your birthday month comes to
an end on Monday and Mars too will leave on Thursday, though not before
leaving you with a sense of what excites you, your passions and your
fighting spirit, this might be over in name but not in spirit. While the
Sun and Mars will shift their focus onto income matters, just as the
doors are open to second chances on both the work and career fronts,
something that will deepen this week, it's too soon to cement your
launch into this new solar year. That won't happen until the 9th July
with Mercury, planet of communication and smart thinking and your ruling
planet staying behind to tie up loose ends, especially when it comes to
talks and making choices, decisions and plans. This allows you to keep
your mind and your options open for a while longer. |
Cancer |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Jun 22 - Jul 22 |
Your birthday month and new solar
year might get off to a slow start when the Sun returns to Cancer on
Monday, but you'll not only have a head start but you'll catch your
second wind by Thursday. The head start comes courtesy of Venus, who
having left 16 days earlier has also moved through, giving you a sense
of what you want from your coming year before it even began, giving you a
head start from the get go. What will really crank this new solar year
into gear is Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos' return to your sign on
Thursday, for the first time since 2013. This is when those energy
levels will kick back in, just as auspicious developments are falling
into place on the income and career fronts. Communication is also
essential, especially in the early days of the week. |
Leo |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Jul 23 - Aug 22 |
While the Sun's return to nostalgic
part of your chart on Monday to begin the month long wind down of your
old solar year will see you move into review mode and even more so when
Mars does the same on Thursday this is something you're unlikely to
completely buy into. For with Venus already in your sign and the Moon
having moved through over the weekend, the doors to the future are
already wide open and what lies on the other side is looking
particularly tempting. The biggest danger is hurrying up the review
process that you need to go through at this time every year, for while
this will slow down your march into the future, that future is not only
waiting for you it's looking particularly bright. The future isn't in
any kind of a hurry, preferring you take the time to close old doors. |
Virgo |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
There are a lot of big news stories
this week, like the Sun's departure from your career sector on Monday,
Mars' on Thursday and their return to a more social and networking
focused part of your chart or a powerful alliance between intuitive and
financial forces or a not so powerful but equally auspicious alliance
between work and career forces. However, the event of most significance
for you is something so small and mundane that the biggest danger is
that it may be over looked. That event is the Moon's return to your sign
in the early days of the week, a mundane event that happens once a
month, giving you a chance to get your bearings and listen to your
intuitive responses. As the Moon's last visit before new doors open next
month this will be a sneak peek into what the future holds. |
Libra |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Sep 23 - Oct 23 |
By the time you move into the new
week you're just 10 days into a 13 day period where major developments
on the income, work and career fronts are locking into place, with the
final pieces falling into place during the first four days of this week.
As you move into the new week it has been 7 days since Saturn
retrograded back into your income sector and 10 days since Neptune
turned retrograde in your work sector, opening the doors to second
chances on both fronts. Yet it's the Sun's return to your income sector
on Monday, Mars' on Thursday and Chiron's retrograde turn in your work
sector on Wednesday that locks this into place. By Thursday the doors
will be open to second chances on the work and income fronts and new
doors will be opening on the career front and it will stay that way. |
Scorpio |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Oct 24 - Nov 21 |
Despite the fact that you're moving
into what has the potential to be one very auspicious professional week
there is a counterthrust by adventurous forces that are making sure life
doesn't become all work and no play, without taking anything away from
the very real edge you have. Last Wednesday saw lucky Jupiter, moving
through your career sector, move into a tight alliance with Uranus in
your work sector, something that had been building since last July, will
peak on Tuesday and hold tight until the end of the week. With the
elements of fate and luck and the laws of attraction and synchronicity
in play anything is possible, most likely when and where you least
expect. Yet the Sun's return to an adventurous part of your chart on
Monday and Mars' on Thursday will stop this from taking over. |
Sagittarius |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
There are a lot of headline
developments this week, such as the Sun's departure from your
relationship sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday, shifting a huge
amount of focus onto financial and money matters, as well as a powerful
alliance between romantic, creative and adventurous forces. Yet up there
among them is a lunar visit, something that is so mundane that it can
often pass under the radar. That visit is the Moon's visit to your
career sector in the early days of the week and while, with no planets
in either of your professional houses this is a chance to tap into your
professional instincts and get your bearings there is something more to
this visit. As the Moon's last visit before big professional
developments next month the professional gods will whisper some
important clues. |
Capricorn |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Dec 22 - Jan 19 |
While the Sun's departure from your
work sector on Monday and Mars' on Thursday won't see the professional
gods wrap things up just yet, with a need to keep your work hat on and
head in the game, it will take away a lot of the focus, allowing things
to pull back to a more manageable level. That will be especially so when
Mars leaves on Thursday, but until then there's a need to put
everything you have into everything you do, doing whatever it take, for
as long as it takes to get things up to speed. Mercury will stay on for
another 2 weeks to help tie up loose ends. This is the point where the
focus shifts more to your relationships, with your annual relationship
review beginning just as the doors not only open to giving the past and
unsaid words a voice, but in a healing and cathartic way. |
Aquarius |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
While there are a lot of major
cosmic developments this week, all important in their own right, the
overriding theme is that the partnerships that will dominate the coming
months are locking in place. One theme is on the relationship and
communication front, where a major coming together of forces on both
fronts locks into place as you move into the most defining relationship
months of this year. The other theme is what's happening between the
professional and money gods, with the Sun returning to your work sector
on Monday, just a week after Saturn retrograded back into your career
sector and just 10 days after Neptune turned retrograde in your income
sector. Income, work and career forces are all moving into positions
they'll maintain for the coming months. |
Pisces |
Monday 22 June 2015 |
Feb 19 - Mar 20 |
On face value, especially in the
light of much bigger developments this week, the Moon's visit to your
relationship sector in the early days of the week with be a distraction
at best and at worst could see personal and/or relationship tensions
come to a head, just when you least need them to. For this comes just as
a major alliance between income and work forces peaks, creating an
especially auspicious week for both income and work matters, but also
just as the Sun's return to a fun, playful, romantic and creatively
charged part of your chart on Monday and Mars' on Tuesday is making an
all out attempt to create a balance between work and play. Yet the
Moon's return to your relationship sector might just be more important,
holding clues to major relationship developments next month. |
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