Aries |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Mar 21 - Apr 19 |
At the same time that things are
coming together on the home front this week, with Thursday's New Moon
bringing a chance for a fresh start and new beginnings just as you're
likely to find you've got the means and motivation to walk the talk,
don't be alarmed by any work/life balance tension this might trigger. In
many ways this New Moon is more akin to the Full Moon in the early days
of the month, with the same clash between your home and professional
lives occurring. Yet despite how it feels at the time the timing
couldn't be better, for with Venus' return to your work sector over the
weekend opening the door to a very busy and potentially successful
period having the right work/life balance before you start is priceless.
With this is a chance to find a balance between work and play. |
Taurus |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Apr 20 - May 20 |
A week that begins with a lot of
focus on income, work and career matters, where the focus will remain on
home and family matters throughout the week and where you're likely to
be juggling many balls, with multi tasking a priority from the get go,
is likely to beg the question 'what about me'? Chances are it's the same
question you've been asking every week, with nothing to go on but a
vague sense that your turn would come, something that will finally be
realised this week. You may have to wait until the end of the week but
considering you've been waiting all year you should be able to handle a
few extra days, with the wait well worth it when Venus returns to a fun,
playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart on Sunday,
with something magical on the other side. |
Gemini |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
May 21 - Jun 21 |
There is a huge amount of focus on
income matters this week, but also on a sense of entitlement across the
board and across all the currencies in your life. For as the Sun spends
his last full week in your income sector, Mercury his first, last and
only full week and as he aligns with Mars during Thursday's New Moon,
you've got the support, clarity, smart head for money and the hot headed
enthusiasm needed to make an assault on any glass ceilings in your way.
The other added ingredient is financial tension, with Mercury and Mars'
opposition with Pluto on Thursday creating the right push at the right
time. With the support of the professional gods it won't take much to
turn this into motivation, ready to stand up for yourself, your needs
and right across every aspect of your life. |
Cancer |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Jun 22 - Jul 22 |
You reach a pivotal point in your
birthday month, making this the week for making a commitment to your new
solar year, the future and the journey ahead. It's not just that
Thursday's New Moon brings a chance to draw a new line in the sand and
commit to the journey ahead, but the conditions at the time that make
this such an important turning point. Thursday not only just happens to
be the same day that Mercury and Mars align in your sign, bringing
intellectual savvy and hot headed enthusiasm together, but as they both
move into opposition with Pluto, with any tension or pressure this
creates the push needed to make a stand and take your power back. Yet by
the weekend any personal and/or relationship tensions this creates will
turn into an opportunity for a breakthrough. |
Leo |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Jul 23 - Aug 22 |
In the final week of your old solar
year things get serious, as you not only reach a point in your annual
month long wind down where the focus shifts from closing old doors to
lining up in front of new doors, but where old beliefs, attitudes and
assumptions are being challenged. This is something that happened during
a Full Moon earlier in the month, but conditions surrounding this
week's New Moon, has it acting more like a challenging Full Moon. Yet
with your birthday month and new solar year beginning next week you
cannot remain asleep at the wheel. Yet before the door even opens to
your new solar year your heart is already having something to say about
what the future will hold, this year knowing that it needs to be on your
terms. |
Virgo |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Aug 23 - Sep 22 |
During the early days of the week
that you'll need to have your professional and money hats on, keeping
your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground from the get go. While
Mercury left your career sector last week the Moon's position here in
the early days of the week brings a chance to tie up loose ends, with
your professional instincts are sharp as an alignment between income and
work forces just happens to peak in the early days of the week. Yet
apart from those early days this week's focus is more on personal and
professional networking, with an opportunity to make new connections or
begin new initiatives in a team or group situation. While a sense of
nostalgia hangs over your personal life, you'll have a chance to take a
sneak peek at what the future holds over the weekend. |
Libra |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Sep 23 - Oct 23 |
With the Sun and Mercury both
spending their last full week in your career sector this was bound to be
a professionally focused week, but even more so as Mercury and Mars
align just as Thursday's New Moon brings an opportunity to draw a new
line in the sand. With a strong partnership between work and career
forces continuing and Saturn holding the doors open to untapped
potential on the income front and with a chance to benefit from the
past, this really is a chance to draw a new line in the sand. Don't be
alarmed if you find that work/life balance tension comes to a head in a
way that might be seeing things that came to a head during a Full Moon
earlier in the month resurface. With your professional star on the rise
this is a reminder of the importance of balance. |
Scorpio |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Oct 24 - Nov 21 |
Despite the fact that lucky Jupiter
will move into his final 4 weeks in your career sector on Tuesday and
Venus will leave over the weekend there is a surprising lack of urgency,
so much so that even the professional gods favour embracing a sense of
wanderlust, curiosity and adventure in the air this week. It's during
Thursday's New Moon in an adventurous part of your chart that you're
likely to find your excuses being challenged, but with Mars fuelling a
passion for adventure and a hunger for life's richer experiences it
won't take much to fuel a rebellion. The professional gods are prepared
to be patient for they know that they'll eventually win out, with things
becoming a lot more focused and operational from next week. This is a
chance to blow off some cobwebs while you still can. |
Sagittarius |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Nov 22 - Dec 21 |
The focus will always be on money
matters at this time of year but even more so with Thursday's New Moon
bringing a chance to draw a new line in the sand, making a commitment to
taking your power back. However, this New Moon is likely to feel more
like the Full Moon earlier in the month, which saw financial and income
forces go head to head. Yet any financial tensions that come to a head
on Thursday is not from the New Moon, but the fact that by coincidence
this is also the day that Mercury and Mars, aligned in your financial
sector, move into opposition with Pluto in your income sector. Yet
coming just 3 days before Venus' game changing return to your career
sector, this will provide the right motivation at the right time. Income
forces aren't about to take a backseat. |
Capricorn |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Dec 22 - Jan 19 |
It was a Full Moon in the early days
of the month that brought personal and/or relationship tensions to a
head, but on face value it is likely to seem that Thursday's usually
benign New Moon is acting more like a challenging Full Moon. However,
it's a case of being guilty by association, for while personal and/or
relationship tensions are likely to come to a head during Thursday's New
Moon, it's not the cause, which is instead being triggered by an
opposition between Mercury and Mars, aligned in your relationship sector
and Pluto, in retrograde motion in your sign. This is one last chance
to thrash out any personal/relationship balance issues, with all the
support and resources needed to turn this into an opportunity for a
communication and/or relationship breakthrough. |
Aquarius |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Jan 20 - Feb 18 |
The focus is on work matters this
week, with Thursday's New Moon in your work sector creating the
potential for new opportunities and beginnings, at a time when the doors
are open to second chances on the career and income fronts and when a
partnership between income, work and career forces has locked into
place. Yet you may find that there is some work tension, especially
around the time of Thursday's New Moon, but this is more a call to pace
yourself and work smarter, along with a chance to challenge old beliefs,
attitudes and assumptions. In the meantime, there should be a lot more
urgency on the relationship front than there is, with the relationship
gods still getting things into position. On the professional,
relationship and financial fronts it's now more about the journey. |
Pisces |
Monday 13 July 2015 |
Feb 19 - Mar 20 |
This week hosts the ultimate
showdown between work and playful forces, with a battle to find a
balance between work and play heating up. It's the fact that both sides
know that work forces will eventually win out that makes playful forces
even more determined not to go down without a fight, with everything
centred on Thursday's New Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and
creatively charged part of your chart. With Mars fuelling your romantic
and creative passions and Mercury giving your heart a voice, you'll have
no excuses to hide behind. Venus, who is due to leave your work sector
on Sunday should be kicking up a fuss, but knowing what lies ahead on
the work front she can afford to be generous. Your relationships finally
get a look in over the weekend. |
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