Tuesday, December 13, 2016

December 11 2016 Weekly Horoscope We Live by the Sun Feel by the Moon

General for Week Commencing: Monday 12 December 2016

   Aries Monday 12 December 2016  Mar 21 - Apr 19
Moving into the week with the Moon in your income sector is giving you a nose for money from the get go and the timing couldn’t be better. Moving into the final weeks of your professional year, but with some big developments on the career fronts still to play out, is more than just a nose for money. Until the Moon leaves on Tuesday, this is a chance to put all your income, work and career options on the same page, for the last time this year. It is midweek that the Moon’s last visit to your communication sector for the year will bring an opportunity for a communication breakthrough or to clear the airs, just as you might be feeling some pressure as you work to balance your personal and relationship needs. Yet as much as there is pressure in the final weeks of the year there is also a chance for fun and to embrace a sense of adventure.
   Taurus Monday 12 December 2016  Apr 20 - May 20
Wednesday’s Full Moon in your income sector falls right in the heart of what was already and an exceptional week for both job and career matters, creating a stunning and potential breakthrough week across the income, work and career fronts. This will also leave you with a valuable nose for money as you start to realise there is no finishing line to this professional year that will continue straight through to 2017. This makes the Moon’s return to your home and family sector over the weekend and the work/life balance issues this might rise, a valuable chance to look ahead. Regardless of when your professional year ends or even if you’re working through, this is one year when the professional gods won’t sleep. This is also an important week for money matters, with the Sun’s last full week in your financial sector all about taking care of any financial housekeeping.
   Gemini Monday 12 December 2016  May 21 - Jun 21
While the Moon is set to have a big impact this week, due to not only the areas of your life this will impact, but the interaction with other aspects in play, the most important will be its return to Gemini on Tuesday. This begins the lead up to a Full Moon on Wednesday, the last of 2016 but also the Full Moon that brings you to the halfway point in this solar year. This is personal. Halfway between your last birthday month and the next, this brings you to the halfway point in this current solar year, with a chance to look back at the promises and intentions made back then. This can challenge your excuses but also as you evolve, help you make new intentions. Just weeks before the New Year, this is a chance to start to work on the new resolutions you want to take with you into the future.
   Cancer Monday 12 December 2016  Jun 22 - Jul 22
In a week where you will need to have your money, work, professional and relationship hats on from the get go, but also where there will be home and family demands, the one thing you’re probably longing for is time to hear yourself think. Now herein lies a word of caution, for you’ll get that chance with the Moon’s return to a nostalgic, intuitive and imaginative part of your chart on Tuesday, ahead of Wednesday’s Full Moon. The universe listens to everything you say and it knows your need for time to hear yourself think and also the opportunity that Wednesday’s Full Moon provides. If you don’t slow down and take advantage of this, the universe is likely to pull on the emergency brakes, fearing you’re about to miss an important pit stop. If you don’t voluntarily slow down the universe will find a way and trust me, this is something you want to do on your terms.
   Leo Monday 12 December 2016  Jul 23 - Aug 22
Moving into the week with the Moon in your career sector will ensure your professional instincts are sharp from the get go and considering how things are playing out on the work front this week, the timing couldn’t be better. With some manically busy weeks behind you, the Sun not returning to your work sector until next Wednesday and Mercury slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn next Monday, there really is a need to pace yourself. The Moon will have a big impact this week and not just because of the intuitive edge this gives you in the early part of the week. The Moon will return to an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart midweek and into opposition with Mercury over the coming days, potentially taking the wind out of your sails. However, in Mercury’s final days in direct motion this will also be a call to work smarter and pace yourself.
   Virgo Monday 12 December 2016  Aug 23 - Sep 22
While there is real evidence this week that rather than slowing down your professional year is speeding up and that things are starting to come together across the income, work and career fronts, you can expect to start seeing a fight back. While Wednesday’s Full Moon is likely to be a catalyst for developments across the income, work and career fronts, this is also likely to see work/life balance tensions come to a head. The Sun, in his last full week in your home and family sector is not going to take kindly to the pressure from a Full Moon in your career sector or the complications. Falling this close to Christmas and in a year where you will need to keep your money and work hats on through Christmas and the New Year, this is a timely reminder of a need for balance. Until Mars leaves your work sector next Monday, this may be easier said than done.
   Libra Monday 12 December 2016  Sep 23 - Oct 23
While you will need to have your money hat on in the early hours of the week, this is only until the Moon wraps up its last visit to your financial sector for the year on Tuesday. This makes it important to have your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, but wait until after the Moon moves on to process the message behind any strong emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses. In the meantime, the biggest danger this week is underestimating the importance of this week’s playful and adventurous influences, figuring you can take a rain check until the holidays if need be. Wednesday’s Full Moon in an adventurous part of your chart is a result of the Moon’s last visit for the year and with Mars leaving a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart next Monday, both will be gone by the time the holidays come around. Things will get a lot busier next week.
   Scorpio Monday 12 December 2016  Oct 24 - Nov 21
You have a week that is going to evolve and change as the week progresses, mainly because of the Moon’s passage through your chart and the up and down conditions this will create. To start with the Moon will be stirring your emotional responses on the relationship front, but with the support of Mercury in your communication sector, this will bring a chance to give your emotional responses a voice. By midweek the Moon will be in conflict with the Sun, with the last Full Moon of 2016 creating some financial tension, but also bringing both income and financial matters to a head, turning and/or tipping point. Yet by the weekend the Moon and Sun will be the best of friends, with the Moon’s last visit to your work sector for the year giving you an intuitive edge, as the Sun spends his last full week in your income sector.
   Sagittarius Monday 12 December 2016  Nov 22 - Dec 21
Sometimes, what on first impressions can seem a case of bad timing, is in fact perfect timing. The last full week of your birthday month was always going to put the focus on your own personal needs, with a chance to look at what you want and need for this new solar year and the journey ahead. Yet the Moon’s return to your relationship sector on Tuesday and the Full Moon this creates on Wednesday is likely to evoke strong emotional responses to relationship matters, push buttons and even fuel any personal and/or relationship tensions. That is obviously terrible timing, right? Wrong. With Venus in her first and Mars his last full week in your communication sector, they’re on hand to turn this into a major opportunity for a communication and/or relationship breakthrough. Both you and your relationships need these wakeup calls.
   Capricorn Monday 12 December 2016  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Despite the fact that you have reached a stunning week for income, work and career matters, the threat of work/life balance issues is never far away. Wednesday’s Full Moon in your work sector is not only the epicentre of a stunning week for income, work and career developments, but is likely to trigger potential breakthroughs across the board. Yet before then the Moon will start the week in a playful part of your chart and until leaving on Tuesday brings a chance to either find a balance between work and play or become more aware of its importance. With work/life balance set to finally come to a head next week, this is something you need to be mindful of from the get go. In the meantime, there will be a chance to focus on your relationships in the second part of the week, with some help from the communication gods.
   Aquarius Monday 12 December 2016  Jan 20 - Feb 18
It’s not so much that the wind has gone out of your sails or that you’ve lost your edge, but the sense of professional urgency that has given you for much of this year is gone. If it feels that you have more free time to not only enjoy the festive seasons, but spend more time with family and even have fun, then you’re right. It’s more that you got such a head start and have already accomplished so much, that you’re far ahead of where you normally are at this time of year, allowing you to rest a little on your laurels. It is a Full Moon in a fun, playful, romantic and creatively charged part of your chart midweek that will really bring the festive and playful spirit into your week. While the Moon will return for its last visit to your work sector for the year on Tuesday, this is more a chance to tie up loose ends.
   Pisces Monday 12 December 2016  Feb 19 - Mar 20
The Sun’s last full week in your career sector is always going to keep the solar spotlight on your career and professional situation, matters and options at this time of year. However, unlike other years this will not only continue once the Sun leaves next Wednesday, but will only intensify over the Christmas and New Year period. This makes the timing of Wednesday’s Full Moon and the work/life balance tensions or issues this is likely to bring to a head, a case of perfect timing. The Moon will arrive on Tuesday and will be gone by Thursday, with the biggest danger being how easy this would be to ignore. All you would need to do is stick your head in the sand for a few days and wait for this to blow over. Yet if you did you would miss a valuable opportunity. If that doesn’t work, playful lunar vibes from Thursday will encourage a balance between work and play.

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