Thursday, March 30, 2017

March 26 2017 We Live by the Sun Feel by the Moon Horoscopes

General for Week Commencing: Monday 27 March 2017

   Aries Monday 27 March 2017  Mar 21 - Apr 19
With Venus, the Sun, and the New Moon all aligned in your identity sector on Tuesday, I’d say you have a fantastic start to the solar New Year and your birthday month! This is a snapshot of your year ahead, so you had better hold onto your hat, because there’s enthusiasm in bucket loads, and a chance to set the stage for your wishes to materialise. Saturday also sees some big shifts as Mercury, the planet of communication, conjuncts the Moon and moves into the more grounded territory of Taurus, in your house of values. You’ll have money on your mind for a while as you contemplate your worth and the financial equivalent thereof. Venus enjoys her last social event in spicy Aries this Saturday while she moves into a more contemplative part of your zodiac. You can look forward to being more socially relaxed for a month until she pops back into your action zone for a second bite of the apple on the 29th of April.
   Taurus Monday 27 March 2017  Apr 20 - May 20
The Aries New Moon conjunct Venus on Tuesday falls into a very private and contemplative area of your life. You have the chance now for some good old fashioned soul searching, so that you can let go of anything that has had a psychological drag on your life, and recharge your batteries in preparation for the new Solar year ahead. It’s a big week for you Taurus, as Mercury crosses over into your identity zone tweaking your curiosity and the desire for social networking. It’s not all chitter chatter though, because Saturn trines Mercury on Saturday, and sets your mind to more serious themes for a day or two. This however is not enough to douse your enthusiasm, because when the Moon brushes up against Mars on Friday, you passions will have once more become considerably stirred.
   Gemini Monday 27 March 2017  May 21 - Jun 21
There’s a wonderful New Moon conjunct Venus in your networking sector this Tuesday that ignites themes of group activity for you in the new Solar year. It would be a good time to contemplate any goals that involve project work and outreach into wider social activities with friends and professional associates, as this is the time to set the mode for your year ahead. Later in the week, Mercury transforms your thinking to a more serious or introspective mode when he enters Taurus, which is in the part of your zodiac where the private and psychological mind resides. There will however be a momentary pause from all seriousness on Saturday when the Moon is in your sign of Gemini, and encouraging all manner of flirtatious and cheeky shenanigans which bring your versatile nature onto centre stage. Enjoy this break from reality because at the end of this week Venus slips into your career zone to keep you on your toes for a month as you reach for the stars in the work place.
   Cancer Monday 27 March 2017  Jun 22 - Jul 22
Wow Cancer, your career sector is a hive of activity this week with the New Moon and Venus activating your annual success themes. Tuesday is a good day to realign any professional goals and set the stage for a year of deserved recognition. You will be getting assistance from your co conspirator Mercury, who will reignite your networking arena, and get you set up for a year of professional connecting. Things also look favourable for planning a bit of travel after Sunday. With Venus going into your adventure zone, you may be feeling like you want to break free and lower the boundaries. Enjoy it while you can, as Venus will return to your career centre on the 29th of April and you will redirect your charm towards your work place.
   Leo Monday 27 March 2017  Jul 23 - Aug 22
The Sun, Moon and Venus all vibrate in unison on Tuesday in an area of your zodiac that is sure to kindle the flame of your wanderlust. Perhaps it is a good time to make some travel plans for later in the year? The New Moon gifts you with a perfect opportunity to manifest your desires, especially if they are exotic of nature. In the meantime, Mercury will keep you very busy on the work front but be careful not to display any stubborn opinions. By Sunday, your mind will be taken up with more important topics when Venus slinks off for a second sojourn into your house of obsessions, giving you one month’s grace to flirt with that which is normally taboo. It’s a short lived visit because at the end of April, she will be back in your adventure zone, helping you to finalise your recently started travel plans.
   Virgo Monday 27 March 2017  Aug 23 - Sep 22
This week’s New Moon, which is conjunct Venus in an empowering area of your zodiac, asks you to focus your attention on your financial portfolio, and any dealings that you might have with shared resources. Reviewing your financial budgeting plans this week will stand you in good stead to cope with your expenses in the new Solar year that lies ahead of you. With Mercury entering a freedom loving part of your zodiac on Saturday, you can expect to be intrigued and fascinated by foreign culture and philosophical considerations of all varieties. So many books, so little time! You will have the opportunity to work on your professional and social relationships after Sunday, when Venus goes back to your partnership quarter. You may like to catch up over coffee and share what you have learned. Enjoy it, because after a month Venus will return with money once again on her mind.
   Libra Monday 27 March 2017  Sep 23 - Oct 23
The start of the Solar year brings new beginnings to the way that you value and relate to the partners in your world. If ever there was a good time for you to do some great relationship growing it’s this Tuesday, when the Sun, Moon and Venus all gift you with the ability to manifest the unions that you wish to develop over the next year. After a year away, Mercury returns to a place in your zodiac where you deal with other people’s money, for example any partners that you have. Perhaps there is a correlation between growing your partnerships, and dealing with money? You will have all the help you need in this department after Sunday when Venus revisits your house of service, and allows you to sacrifice yourself for the greater good of others. After a month she will once again grace your relationship arena with her lively self.
   Scorpio Monday 27 March 2017  Oct 24 - Nov 21
The potential of an Aries new Moon, right beside Venus in your house of health and service, would set your new Solar year off to an active start. Use Tuesday to manifest your ideas around these themes for the next twelve months so that you can get the best out of this lovely vibration. Towards the end of this week, Mercury securely embodies himself into your house of relationships, getting your thoughts to turn towards themes of harmony, and equality between people. He hasn’t visited this sector of your zodiac for a whole year and is sure to get the lines of communication buzzing again. Venus threatens to undo all his hard work after Sunday when she returns to a provocative and pleasure seeking zone, which will throw up a few contradictory scenarios for you to fathom through, especially since the New Moon had asked you to be prudent.
   Sagittarius Monday 27 March 2017  Nov 22 - Dec 21
What will you wish for on Tuesday when the Moon in your house of pleasure, shuffles up close and personal to Venus the planet of beauty, and then conjuncts the Sun to herald the beginning of a brand new Solar year? There are so many creatively pleasant themes to choose from, but it should really be anything that makes you truly happy. Mercury, who has stealthily been approaching your health sector, will finally take up residency there this Saturday, after a whole year of wandering through all the other houses. This brings your thoughts onto the straight and narrow path, and calls you to review your current health and fitness regimes. With Venus’ return to your family zone on Sunday your attention may well settle onto the health routines of those that you love, as you remember Mercury’s wise words concerning this subject.
   Capricorn Monday 27 March 2017  Dec 22 - Jan 19
Your home is in the spotlight this week Capricorn, as the Sun and Moon connect in a loving embrace, bringing forth a hearty new Solar year. This all takes place in the sector of your zodiac where your emotional security resides, so be sure to make lots of good resolutions around that theme. By the time the weekend arrives, there won’t be too much time to deliberate, because Mercury plans to shower you with creative expression for a month. You may be whisked up into a social vortex of clever repartee in no time, as you jest and play with all your sparing partners. If that wasn’t lively enough for you, Venus is also going back for a second round of play in your ideas sector and bestowing on you the power of beautiful verbal expression. What a week to remember!
   Aquarius Monday 27 March 2017  Jan 20 - Feb 18
The intellectual arena is highlighted for you this Tuesday Aquarius, as the New Moon in Aries calls you to plant seeds that will prosper into communication, study, and connectivity with people all throughout the next year of your life. This is a perfect week to lay the foundations for new beginnings in any of these themes. Mercury goes into your family zone on Saturday, drawing your attention to the needs of those within your inner circle. Perhaps it is time to open up the channels for communication with each other again? You will also have a chance to review your values this week after Sunday when Venus continues her retrograde into a part of your zodiac that asks you to identify your talents, and the ability to attract what you want in life. Use your month wisely while you have her here because at the end of April she is on the move back to a more social zone.
   Pisces Monday 27 March 2017  Feb 19 - Mar 20
This week brings new beginnings that will heighten the world of the five senses, as the Moon brushes past Venus, and conjuncts with the Sun to form a new Moon on Tuesday. All of these merry revellers are hanging out in your house of values and resources, making this the perfect week for you to attune to, and appreciate your life in order to feel a sense of value and worthiness right throughout the year. Decide what would most boost your confidence and plant the seeds towards manifesting that into your life over the coming months. With Mercury entering your communication sector on Saturday, it shouldn’t be too hard for you to come up with some good ideas. Venus pops back over the borderline on Sunday to have a final hoorah in your house of self projection. You couldn’t have asked for more because now that she is retrograde she helps you to reinvent yourself with charm and graciousness. The world is your oyster again for a month until she bids you au revoir at the end of April.

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